

早稲田ワークショップ 時系列解析およびその関連する話題 ( Time Series Analysis and Its Related Topics ) のご案内
Asia Session of ACORSJ'2005
The Eighth Czech-Japan Seminar 2005 on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty
The 11th Asia Pacific Management Conference

早稲田ワークショップ 時系列解析およびその関連する話題 ( Time Series Analysis and Its Related Topics ) のご案内

 このワークショップは、国際数理科学協会、統計数理研究所、および早稲田大学理工学部の共催で、進められることとなった。国際数理科学協会は学術誌マスマチカ・ヤポニカで、長年数理統計学の研究論文を出版し、基礎から統計学を支えてきた。統計数理研究所は、この半世紀近く世界の時系列解析を支えている一つの拠点である。また早稲田大学理工学部は保険数理において全国有数のアクチュアリーを多数輩出している拠点校である。この3者の共催の上に、欧州、米国、中国、日本等のまさに第一線で世界の時系列を支えている研究者を招聘し、このワークショップを開催できる運びとなったことは、グローバルな視点から意義のあることに思われる。  本ワークショップは、すべての人にオープンで、参加費も要りませんので、時系列分野はいうに及ばず、統計学一般、金融工学、生体工学、保険年金数理等の広汎な分野の研究者に参加していただいて、それぞれの分野のインパクトを我々に投げつけていただけたらと思います。

早稲田大学理工学部統計グループ オーガナイザー: 谷口 正信

Waseda Workshop
"Time Series Analysis and Its Related Topics"
Funded by The Waseda University Grant for International Conference Operation
Organizer: Masanobu Taniguchi ( Waseda University )

January 23 - 25, 2006 Waseda University International Conference Hall,(早稲田大学総合学術情報センター内 国際会議場)Room 1
Map: http://www.waseda.jp/jp/campus/nishiwaseda.html

January 23
13:20 - 13:25 : Opening
13:25 - 13:55 : Laplace likelihood and LAD estimation for noninvertible MA(1) models. Richard DAVIS ( Colorado State University )
13:55 - 14:20 : Moderate deviations for quadratic forms in Gaussian stationary processes. Yoshihide KAKIZAWA ( Hokkaido University )
14:20 - 14:45 : On the causality between multiple locally stationary processes. Junichi HIRUKAWA ( Waseda University )
15:05 - 15:35 : Change point detection in time series models. Sangyeol LEE ( Seoul National University )
15:35 - 16:00 : Estimating GARCH-Jump models based on high frequency data : the case of revaluation of Chineses Yuan. Xinhong LU , Ken-ichi KAWAI ( Institute of Statistical Mathematics ),Koichi MAEKAWA ( Hiroshima University )
16:00 - 16:30 : Recent surge of time series methods in neuroscience : causal modeling & time-varying innovation variances. Tohru OZAKI ( Institute of Statistical Mathematics )
16:30 - 17:00 : Estimation and specification testing in time series that are both nonlinear and nonstationary. Dag TJOSTHEIM ( University of Bergen )

January 24
9:10 - 9:35 : Second order properties of locally stationary processes. Kenichiro TAMAKI ( Waseda University )
9:35 - 10:05 : Berry-Esseen type bound for high dimensional approximation of Wilks' lambda distribution. Vladimir ULYANOV ( Moscow State University )
10:05 - 10:35 : On the order of consistency of estimators. Masafumi AKAHIRA ( Tsukuba University )
10:45 - 11:10 : Discrimination and clustering for fundamental frequency patterns analysis to investigate infant language acquisition. Hiroko KATO ( NTT Communication Science Lab.), Masanobu TANIGUCHI ( Waseda University ), Tomohiro NAKATANI and Shigeaki AMANO ( NTT Communication Science Lab.)
11:10 - 11:35 : Analysis of chaotic data by nonlinear autoregressive model. Koji YONEMOTO ( Kyushu University ), Takashi YANAGAWA ( Kurume University )
11:35 - 12:05 : Nearly unstable processes under strong dependence. Ngai Hang CHAN ( Chinese University of Hong Kong )
13:20 - 13:50 : Goodness-of-fit tests for time series models : a score- marked empirical process approach. Shiqing LING ( Hong Kong University of Science & Technology )
13:50 - 14:20 : Volatility estimation of diffusion processes by a semiparametric model. Isao SHOJI ( Tsukuba University )
14:20 - 14:50 : Polynomial type large deviation inequalities and inference for stochastic diffential equations by sampled data. Nakahiro YOSHIDA ( University of Tokyo )
15:10 - 15:40 : Threshold moving average models : some recent developments. Howell TONG ( London School of Economics )
15:40 - 16:10 : A consistent nonparametric test for Granger causality up to k-th moment. Yoshihiko NISHIYAMA ( Kyoto University )
16:10 - 16:40 : A statistical spatio-temporal model. Makio ISHIGURO ( Institute of Statistical Mathematics )
16:40 - 17:10 : Inference on nonstationary time series models. Peter M. Robinson ( London School of Economics )

January 25
9:30 - 9:55 : Jump-type GARCH models with applications in finance. Chunhang CHEN ( University of Ryukyus ), Seisho SATO ( Institute of Statistical Mathematics )
9:55 - 10:25 : Frequency change points estimation in hidden periodicity model. Zhongjie XIE ( Peking University )
10:35 - 11:05 : Discrete-time ARMA(3,2) process and continuous-time ARMA(3,2) process. Mituaki HUZII ( Chuo University )
11:05 - 11:35 : Circular distributions and their use in directional time series. Kunio SHIMIZU ( Keio University )
11:35 - 12:05 : Local spectral analysis via a Bayesian mixture of smoothing splines. David STOFFER ( University of Pittsburgh )


・甲南大学知的情報通信研究所共催 第七回研究会開催のご案内












岳 五一

658-8501 神戸市東灘区岡本8-9-1

甲南大学 理工学部


TEL: 078-435-2530

FAX: 078-452-5507

E-mail: yue@konan-u.ac.jp



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670-0092 姫路市新在家本町1-1-12




TEL&FAX : 0792-92-9362

E-mail: yoneyama@shse.u-hyogo.ac.jp





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*670-0092 姫路市新在家本町1-1-12

*兵庫県立大学 環境人間学部

*環境情報コース 米山寛二

*TEL&FAX : 0792-92-9362

*E-mail : yoneyama@shse.u-hyogo.ac.jp


Asia Session of ACORSJ'2005

September 14-15, 2005, Kobe Gakuin University, Kobe, Japan   岳 伍一

The Autumn Conference 2005 of Operations Research Society of Japan (ACORSJ’05), organized by the Operations Research Society of Japan, will be held in Kobe Gakuin University, Kobe, Japan from September 14 to 15, 2005. An Asia Session will joint to ACORSJ’05. The Asia Session (URL: http://www.iict.konan-u.ac.jp/ACROSJ05/) of ACORSJ’05 is an international symposium around Asia with goals to provide a forum for Asian scientists, researchers, educators, and practitioners to exchange ideas and approaches, to present research findings and state-of-the-art solutions, to share experiences on potentials and limits, on all issues and topics related to the theories and applications of Operations Research. Theme of the ACORSJ’05 will be focused on “Ubiquitous Society and OR”. We are particularly interested in submissions that report on experimental and applied research motivated by real-world problems.
Theoretical and applied papers are expected to show convincingly the usefulness and efficiency of optimization algorithms discussed in a practical setting. Interested research topics from operations research theory and related application area are welcome, including, but not limited to:

Linear Programming and Nonlinear Programming			Decision Theory
Optimization theory					Financial Engineering
Queuing Theory and its Application				Management Science and Engineering
Logistics and Supply Chain Management			Game Theory	
Graph Theory and Networks					System Sciences and Engineering
Wuyi Yue (Konan Univ., Chair)  Hiroaki Ishii (Osaka Univ., Co-Chair) Shogo Shiode (Kobe Gakuin Univ., Co-Chair)  Masao Fukushima (Kyoto Univ.) Hiroshi Noguchi (Univ. of Marketing and Distribution Sci.) Minoru Tada (Doshisha Univ.)

Registration is required once the abstract is accepted. The registration fee will be free, but not including welcome reception, conference banquet, lunches and dinners. Early registration is strongly encouraged. Please look at the Registration Form for detailed information. The registration form should be send to both of the following Asia Session secretaries by E-mail.
For more information about the conference, please contact the Asia Session Secretary:

Ms. Sagami Ukiko, Institute of Intelligent Information and Communications Technology Konan University,
8-9-1, Okamoto, Higashinada-ku, Kobe 658-8501 JAPAN, Tel: +81-78-435-2530   E-mail: sagami@mail.is.konan-u.ac.jp

The Eighth Czech-Japan Seminar 2005 on Data Analysis and Decision Making under Uncertainty

Trest, Czech Republic,September, 18 - September, 21, 2005

General Information
The Czech-Japan seminar have become already a traditional meeting of scientists whose research interests concern methods for decision support in environment with uncertainty and their application in economics and engineering. Seminars are regularly held alternatively in Japan and the Czech Republic since 1999. First meetings were financially supported by an International Collaborative Research Project between Czech Republic and Japan. This support also made it possible that in the first year (1999) two meetings were organized. Since 2000 there have been traditionally only one in a year:
1st seminar March 1999 JAIST Hokuriku, 2nd seminar September 1999 Celadna,
3rd seminar October 2000 Osaka, 4th seminar September 2001 Jindrichuv Hradec
5th seminar September 2002 Mt. Koyasan, 6th seminar September 2003 Valtice
7th seminar September 2004 Awaji Yumebutai, 8th seminar September 2005 Trest

Scope of the meeting
Contributions describing theoretical tools supporting decision making processes under uncertainty and vagueness, as well as application of such tools and processes are invited. The working character of the meeting is stressed by the fact that papers casting new problems and inspiring discussions are welcome, as well as contributions presenting promising but yet not finished results.

Paper submission
All submitted papers should be in English, prepared according to the instructions in LATEX, see template in LaTex (template in PDF). Recommended length is 6 - 10 pages. Papers submitted in another format may be accepted for presentation but will not be included in Proceedings. The same holds also for papers submitted after the dead-line: August, 2. Venue The conference will be held in Trest - a small town situated in calm environment and lovely nature in the southeastern part of Czech-Moravian Heights, distant only 13 km from the well-known historic town Telc. The seminar will take place in the Trest Chateau, which will also provide accommodation for the participants. For more information on the seminar location and accommodation visit the home page of Trest Chateau Hotel Homepage. Japanese participants are exempted from the conference fee.

All participants-to-be are kindly asked to register in : http://mi.fm.vse.cz/cze-jap-2005 We cannot guarantee acceptance of participants registered after the dead-line: June 14, 2005. Transport Trest is accessible from both Prague (by train it takes 3 hours with few changes of train, by direct bus 2 hours 30 minutes, by car 2 hours) and Vienna (by train it takes 6 hours with few changes of train, by car 3 hours). Time tables will be available here later.




主催:横断型基幹科学技術推進協議会(横幹技術協議会), 横断型基幹科学技術研究団体連合(横幹連合)
日時:2005年9月21日(水) 10:00 〜 17:00

横幹技術フォーラム係 e-mai: forum@trasti.jp  電話 & FAX:03-3814-4130

Top Top

The 11th Asia Pacific Management Conference

APMC-2005, Nov 18 - 20, 2005, Tainan, Taiwan,

Theme : Managing Pacific Rim Enterprises, Home page:
The 11th Asia Pacific Management Conference (the Conference), organized by National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan), will be held on November 18~20, 2005 in National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. The aim of the Conference is to provide a forum for academics and professionals to share the advanced knowledge and experiences in management of Asian Pacific Rim. The Conference includes paper presentation and forum.



2005年11月25日(金) 〜26日(土)、JA長野県ビル(長野県)にて、 次の4セッションが予定されています(知の統合セッション、知の活用セッション、コラボレーションセッション、一般セッション)。会員の参加費は7000円 (ISMSの会員にも適用) です。 講演申込期間:2005年6月28日〜8月16日午後2時まで,論文原稿提出期間:2005年9月1日〜9月21日午後2時まで。詳しくは、横幹連合ホームページをご覧下さい。
Copyright (C), International Society for Mathematical Sciences