SCM Online Version
Vol.3, No.3 Whole Number 9
3-3-18 NAKAI E.
- A characterization of pointwise multipliers on the Morrey spaces
- Abstract
3-3-17 Jun Y. B.
- Interval-valued fuzzy subalgebras/ideals in BCK-algebras
- Abstract
3-3-16 Meng J., Jun Y. B., Xin X. L.
- On BCI-algebras with condition $(S)$
- Abstract
3-3-15 Fujii M., Lin C. S.
- An application of a characterization of operator order to $p$-hyponormal operators
- Abstract
3-3-14 Fujii M., Hashimoto M., Seo Y., Yanagida M.- Characterizations of usual and chaotic order via Furuta and Kantorovich inequalities
- Abstract
3-3-13 Li J., Lin S.
- Sequence-covering cs-images of metric spaces
- Abstract
3-3-12 Farag S. F., Babiker A. N.
- Quasi-ideals and Extensions of BCK-Algebras
- Abstract
3-3-11 Suzuki T.
- Silent history of japanese traditional mathematics
=who is takahara yoshitane?=
- Abstract
3-3-10 Kanemitsu M., Baba K., Yoshida K.
- The invertibility of an element $\alpha^{2} - a$ of a super-primitive extension $R[\alpha]/R$ and a linear form of a Laurent extension $R[\alpha,~\alpha^{-1}]$
- Abstract
3-3-9 Lee S. K.
- On Kehayopulu's Theorems in $po$-Semigroups
- Abstract
3-3-8 Chatyrko V. A.
- On factorization theorem for transfinite dimension ${\dimC}$
- Abstract
3-3-7 Jun Y. B., Kim K. H.
- Conditions for a BCK-algebra to be $n$-fold positive
- Abstract
3-3-6 Maki H., Ogata H., Balachandran K., Sundaram P., Devi R.
- The digital line and operation approaches of $T_{1/2}$-spaces
- Abstract
3-3-5 Kehayopulu N., Tsingelis M.
- Characterizations of 0-simple ordered semigroups
- Abstract
3-3-4 Kehayopulu N., Tsingelis M.
- On right simple and right 0-simple ordered groupoids-semigroups
- Abstract
3-3-3 Ito M.
- On some classes of operators by Fujii and Nakamoto
related to $p$-hyponormal and paranormal operators
- Abstract
3-3-2 Moore C.
- Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations Involving K-Accretive
Operator Equations
- Abstract
3-3-1 Koppitz J., Wismath S.L.
- Hyperidentities for Varieties of Star Bands
- Abstract
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