SCMJ Online Version
International Plaza
56-1 Viorel Barbu
- Controllability of parabolic and Navier-Stokes equations
55-3 Jorge Galindo
- Dense pseudocompact subgroups and finer pseudocompact group topologies
55-3 Giuseppe Pirillo
- Fibonacci word and Sturmian words
55-2 Washek F. Pfeffer
- Derivatives and primitives
55-1 A. V. Arhangel'skii
- From classic topological invariants to relative topological properties
54-3 Yu. Movsisyan
- Hyperidentities and hypervarieries
54-2 Shizu Nakamnishi
- Approach to non-absolute integration by successive approximations
54-1 William H. Ruckle
- Accumulation games
To appear shortly:
V. Barbu and N. Pavel
- Optimal control of periodic distributed systems
P. K. Sen
- Neuronal spatio-temporal models:
High-dimensional implications and statistical perspectives
T. Kubiak
- L-fuzzy reals and topology
J. P. Penot
- Nonsmooth analysis: From subdifferential calculus to codifferential calculus
W. Wilczynski
- On density topologies
L. Maligranda
- Orliz spaces - history and a survay of certain aspects
V. Burenkov
- Approximation of functions with preservation of boundary values
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