SCMJ Online Version
Vol.9 Whole Number 15
9-54 Torkzadeh L., Zahedi M. M.
- Dual positive implicative hyper $K$-ideals of type 4
- Abstract
9-53 Fujiwara T.
- Algebraic closures in certain elementary classes
- Abstract
9-52 Shelah S.
- Spectra of monadic second order sentences
9-51 Shelah S.
- Classification theory for elementary classes with the dependence property - a modest beginning
- Abstract
9-50 Shelah S.
- Anti-homogeneous partitions of a topological space
- Abstract
9-48 Shum K. P., Guo Y.
- A new proof of Kaplansky-Jacobson Theorem on one-sided inverses
- Abstract
9-47 Matsumoto H., Tabata Y.
- A note on a periodic review inventory model with uncertain demand in a random environment
- Abstract
9-46 Dai B., Nai B.
- Discreteness criteria for isometry groups of negative curvature
- Abstract
9-45 Okayasu T., Ueta Y.
- Canonical decomposition of tuples of operators caused by systems of operator inequalities
- Abstract
9-44 Fujii M., Kamei E.
- Grand Furuta inequality of three variables
- Abstract
9-43 Fujii M., Kamei E.
- Difference between chaotic order and usual order in generalized Furuta inequalities
- Abstract
9-42 Allen P. J., Neggers J., Kim H. S.
- $L$-up and mirror algebras
- Abstract
9-41 V\^{\i}\c{t}\u{a} L., Bridges D.
- More on Cauchy nets in apartness spaces
- Abstract
9-40 Donnini C., Martellotti A.
- Microscopic subsets of a Banach space and characterizations of the drop property
- Abstract
9-39 Hong S. M., Jun Y. B., Shim W. H.
- Folding theory applied to some types of positive
implicative hyper $BCK$-ideals in hyper $BCK$-algebras
- Abstract
9-37 Maeda M., Harai K., Shibuya M.
- Some remarks on seven conditions approximating to measurable norms
- Abstract
9-36 Sato E.
- Lorentz multipliers for Hankel transforms
- Abstract
9-35 Huang Y.
- Normal BCI-algebras
- Abstract
9-34 Wang L., Chu Z., Liao G., Duan X.
- Weakly almost periodicity and chaos
- Abstract
9-33 Borzooei R. A., Bakhshi M.
- On positive implicative hyper $BCK$-ideals
- Abstract
9-32 Nakamura O.
- On the number of non-equivalent odd 1-factors of a complete graph
- Abstract
9-31 Beasley L., Cheon G. S., Jun Y. B., Song S. Z.
- Fuzzy implicative $LI$-ideals in lattice implication algebras
- Abstract
9-30 Jun Y. B., Song S. Z., Shim W. H.
- On implicative hyper $K$-ideals of hyper $K$-algebras
- Abstract
9-29 Zhan J., Tan Z.
- Intuitionistic fuzzy $\alpha$-ideals of IS-algebras
- Abstract
9-28 Kohsaka F., Takahashi W.
- Minimization theorem in a Banach space and its applications
- Abstract
9-27 Habib Z., Sakai M.
- Shapes of planar cubic curves
- Abstract
9-26 Joseph J. E., Kwack M. H.
- Normal maps and Hyperbolicity
- Abstract
9-25 Ahuja O. P., Jahangiri J. M.
- Sakaguchi-type harmonic univalent functions
- Abstract
9-24 Gao Z., Gao Y., Yasui Y.
- On algebraic construction of family of rough sets
- Abstract
9-23 Sudo T.
- Stable rank of residually finite dimensional $C^*$-algebras
- Abstract
9-22 Jun Y. B., Song S. Z., Shim W. H.
- Foldness of some types of positive implicative hyper $BCK$-ideals in hyper $BCK$-algebras
- Abstract
9-21 Zhan J., Chen Y., Tan Z.
- Fuzzy fantastic filters of lattice implication algebras
- Abstract
9-20 Nakai E., Okamoto S.
- Tangential boundary behavior of the Poisson integrals of functions in the potential space with the Orlicz norm
- Abstract
9-19 Trombetta G.
- K-set contractive retractions in spaces of continuous functions
- Abstract
9-18 Noguchi H., Ishii H.
- The ranking of total medals won by each country in the Sydney Olympics by using DEA model after clustering
- Abstract
9-17 Allen P. J., Neggers J., Kim H. S.
- $B$-algebras and groups
- Abstract
9-16 Horiuchi K.
- Some weak laws on bisemilattice and triple-semilattice
- Abstract
9-15 Komoda C.
- Sum theorems for $C$-spaces
- Abstract
9-14 Chaatit F.
- Une remarque sur les Hom\'eomorphismes uniformes
- Abstract
9-13 Hallenbeck K.T.
- Span mates and span
- Abstract
9-12 Yamada M.
- Inequalities on derivatives of harmonic bergman functions
- Abstract
9-11 Sakaguchi M.
- Customs vs. smuggler game with a random amount of cargo
- Abstract
9-10 Jun Y B., Kondo M.
- On transfer principle of Fuzzy $BCK/BCI$-algebras
- Abstract
9-9 Jun Y B., Kim H S., Kondo M.
- On $BH$-relations in $BH$-algebras
- Abstract
9-8 Voutsadakis G.
- A categorical construction of a variety of clone algebras
- Abstract
9-7 Yabuta K.
- Existence and boundedness of $g_\lambda^*$-function and Marcinkiewicz functions on Campanato spaces
- Abstract
9-6 Nakamura O.
- On the number of non-equivalent odd 1-factors of a complete graph
- Abstract
9-5 Beasley L. B., Cheon G. S., Jun Y. B., Song S. Z.
- Fuzzy implicative $LI$-ideals in lattice implication algebras
- Abstract
9-4 Jun Y. B., Song S. Z., Shim W. H.
- On implicative hyper $K$-ideals of hyper $K$-algebras
- Abstract
9-2 Cowen R., Hechler S. H.
- $G$-free colorability and the Boolean prime ideal theorem
- Abstract
9-1 Jun Y B.
- Satisfactory filters of $BCK$-algebras
- Abstract
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