SCMJ Online Version
Vol.8 Whole Number 14
8-59 Freire N. C.
- A note on Moore-Smith convergence, summable families and continuous linear operators between locally convex spaces
- Abstract
8-58 Bignall R. J., Spinks M.
- Implicative BCS-algebra subreducts of skew Boolean algebras
- Abstract
8-57 Hoppensteadt F.
- Random perturbations of volterra dynamical systems in neuroscience
- Abstract
8-56 Mattia M., Del~Giudice P.
- A distribution of spike tarnsmission delays affects the stability of interacting spiking neurons
- Abstract
8-55 Nada S I.
- Lifting of some chaotic manifolds onto tangent spaces
- Abstract
8-54 Shum K P., Guo Y Q.
- A new proof of L.K. Hua's theorem on homomorphisms
- Abstract
8-53 Ogawa M., Ishii H.
- Benchmarking method considering complementary network externality
- Abstract
8-52 Hong S M., Jun Y B., \"{O}zt\"{u}rk M A.
- Generalizations of $BCK$-algebras
- Abstract
8-51 Zhan J.,Tan Z.
- $T-$fuzzy left $K-$ideals of semirings
- Abstract
8-50 Luciani F., Turchetti G., Valensin S., Bonaf\e M., Franceschi C.
- A stochastic model for the clonal expansion and homeostatis of cytotoxic T lymphocytes
- Abstract
8-49 Rhouma M. B. H., Frigui H.
- A biological approach to clustering data sets
- Abstract
8-48 Tonnelier A., Gerstner W.
- Some generalizations of integrate-and-fire models
- Abstract
8-47 Di Nardo E., Nobile A. G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L. M.
- Towards the modeling of neuronal firing by Gaussian processes
- Abstract
8-46 Pichler F.
- A basic framework for modeling the flow of water by cellular automata
- Abstract
8-45 Sato M., Mukouchi Y.
- Learning of languages generated by patterns from positive examples
- Abstract
8-44 Leibovic K. N.
- Design and operation of brains
- Abstract
8-43 Saidalieva M.
- Modelling of regulation mechanisms of cellular communities
- Abstract
8-42 Giorno V., Nobile A. G., Ricciardi L. M.
- On neuronal firing modeling via specially confined diffusion processes
- Abstract
8-41 Hidirova M. B.
- Modelling of regulation mechanisms of cardiovascular systems
- Abstract
8-40 Hidirov B. N.
- Modelling of regulation mechanisms of living systems
- Abstract
8-39 Buonocore A., Esposito G., Giorno V., Valerio C.
- Towars dead time inclusion in neuronal modeling
- Abstract
8-38 Eleuteri A., Tagliaferri R., Milano L., De Placido S., De Laurentiis M.
- A novel neural network for survival analysis
- Abstract
8-37 Buonocore A., Di Crescenzo A., Martinucci B., Ricciardi L. M.
- A stochastic model for the stepwise motion in actomyosin dynamics
- Abstract
8-36 Sacerdote L., Zucca C.
- Threshold shape corresponding to a Gamma firing distribution in an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck neuronal model
- Abstract
8-35 Sacerdote L., Sirovich R.
Multimodality of the interspike interval distribution in a simple jump-diffusion model
- Abstract
8-34 Cull P.
- Stability in one-dimensional models
- Abstract
8-33 Beretta E., Solimano F.
- The effect of time delay on stability in a bacteria-bacteriophage model
- Abstract
8-32 Reed W J., Hughes B D.
- Power-law distributions from exponential processes: an explanation for
the occurrence of long-tailed distributions in biology and elsewhere
- Abstract
8-31 Breda D.
- Methods for numerical computation of characteristic roots for delay differential equations: experimental comparison.
- Abstract
8-30 Seno H.
- Some time-discrete models derived from ODE for single-species population dynamics --- Leslie's idea revisited ---
- Abstract
8-29 Hida T.
- White noise analysis in mathematical biology
- Abstract
8-28 Dey S K.
- Computational modeling of the breast cancer treatment by immunotherapy, radiation and estrogen inhibition.
- Abstract
8-27 Nakanishi S.
- Non-absolute multiple integral defined constructively on the Euclidean space and iterated integral
- Abstract
8-26 Zhu P., Sun S.
- Infinite product problems on $\delta\theta$-refinable spaces
- Abstract
8-25 Sugano S., Tanaka H.
- Boundedness of fractional integral operators on generalized Morrey spaces
- Abstract
8-24 Aoyama K.
- Inverse of the berge maximum theorem in convex metric spaces
- Abstract
8-23 Lee K T.
- On some variations of Gleason's game
- Abstract
8-22 Vazirani M J.
- Extending Frobenius' higher characters
- Abstract
8-21 Saito S.
- On solving equations arising from optimization problems by some generalized Newton method
- Abstract
8-20 Kumagai T., Inagaki N.
- Note on the Bayes approach to a grouping of small events
- Abstract
8-19 Sakaguchi M.
- Multistage non-zero-sum arbitration game
- Abstract
8-18 Sakaguchi M.
- Non-zero-sum best-choice games where two stops are required
- Abstract
8-17 Fukaishi H., Oka S.
- On scattered countable metric spaces
- Abstract
8-16 Jun Y B.
- Congruences on $BCC$-algebras
- Abstract
8-15 Urakubo M. Ohmiya M.
- On fibering certain 3-manifolds over the circle
- Abstract
8-14 Jun Y B.
- {\sc KS}-filters in {\sc KS}-algebras
- Abstract
8-13 Jun Y B.
- On nil radicals in $BCI$-algebras
- Abstract
8-12 Maruo K., Tomita Y.
- Unbounded radially symmetric viscosity solutions of semilinear degenerate elliptic equations
- Abstract
8-11 Kon M.
- Public opinion survey on home education: application of location problems with rectilinear norm
- Abstract
8-10 Jun Y B., Kondo M., Kim K H.
- Pseudo-ideals of pseudo-$BCK$ algebras
- Abstract
8-9 Ali M., Isogai E.
- Sequential point estimation of the powers of an exponential scale parameter
- Abstract
8-8 Nagar D K., Arias E L.
- Complex matrix variate Cauchy distribution
- Abstract
8-7 Borumand S A., Zahedi M.M.
- Uniform structure on hyper $K$-algebras
- Abstract
8-6 Celani S A.
- Topological representation of distributive semilattices
- Abstract
8-5 Ajay C S.
- Estimation and testing for arch models
- Abstract
8-4 Zhan J., Tan Z.
- Fuzzy $\alpha$-ideals of $IS$-algebras
- Abstract
8-3 Zhan J., Tan Z., Xia Z.
- Generalized $K$-associative $BCI$-algebras
- Abstract
8-2 Hohjo H., Teraoka Y.
- The replenishment policy for an inventory system with Poisson arrival demands
- Abstract
8-1 Avallone A., Vitolo P.
- Decomposition and control theorems in effect algebras
- Abstract
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