SCMJ Online Version
Vol.7 Whole Number 13
7-66 Sudo T.
- Stable rank of $C^*$-tensor products with the algebras of
continuous functions on product spaces of intervals
- Abstract
7-65 Yun Z., Zhang W.
- Metrizability and a question of J.Nagata
- Abstract
7-64 Zhan J., Tan Z.
- Some results on ideals of $BCK$-algebras
- Abstract
7-63 Zhan J., Tan Z.
- Characterizations of $K-$fold positive implicative $BCK$-algebras
- Abstract
7-62 Tan Z., Hu Y.
- One class of involutory antiautomorphism of rational rotation algebras
- Abstract
7-61 Nakamura O.
- On the number of the non-equivalent Cm-spanning subgraphs of
the complete graph with order mk
- Abstract
7-60 Katayama S.
- Semilinear Wave Equations with Some Kind of Nonlinear Damping in
Higher Space Dimensions
- Abstract
7-59 Yura K.
- On the Herglotz-Petrovskii-Leray formula for the boundary value problem
- Abstract
7-58 Chandra S A.
- Multi-sample problem for ARCH residual empirical processes
- Abstract
7-57 Sakaguchi M.
- Multi-round card game with arbitration and random amount of bet
- Abstract
7-56 Hasegawa I., Yamauchi K.
- Infinitesimal projective transformations on tangent bundles with lift connections
- Abstract
7-55 Nagao H.
- On the second order approximation of the risk of sequential point estimation in a multivariate analysis
- Abstract
7-54 Chiba K.
- Property($\delta$) and normality of product spaces
- Abstract
7-53 Nakamura O.
- On the number of the non-equivalent Km-spanning subgraphs of
the complete graph with order mk
- Abstract
7-52 Kimura T., Komoda C.
- Closure-preserving sum theorems
- Abstract
7-51 Jo Y S., Kang J H.
- Self-adjoint interpolation problems in CSL-Algebra Alg$\Cal L$
- Abstract
7-50 Zhan J., Tan Z.
- Intuitionistic fuzzy $K$-ideals of $IS$-algebras
- Abstract
7-49 Hasegawa I., Yamauchi K.
- Infinitesimal conformal transformations on tangent bundles
with the lift metric I+II
- Abstract
7-48 Kobayashi M., Uematsu K.
- The optimal model with passenger's satisfaction of railroad
- Abstract
7-47 Wi{\k e}cek P.
- Convex stochastic games of capital accumulation with nondivisible money unit
- Abstract
7-46 Xue X, Chen M., Fu Y.
- On the approximations of solutions to fuzzy differential equations
- Abstract
7-45 Nakamura O.
- On the number of the non-equivalent 1-regular spanning subgraphs of the
complete graphs of even order
- Abstract
7-44 Al-Sharif S.
- C-semigroups and (P,Q)-summing operators
- Abstract
7-43 Atsushiba S.
- Strong convergence of iterative sequences for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces
- Abstract
7-42 Ito M.
- On classes of operators generalizing class A and paranormality
- Abstract
7-41 Nakazi T. Watanabe T.
Properties of a Rudin's orthogonal function which is a linear combination of two inner functions
- Abstract
7-40 Jung H J., Kondo M., Hong S M.
- Intuitionistic fuzzy filters in $BCH$-algebras
- Abstract
7-39 Kawasaki T.
- Uniquely determinedness of the approximately order derivative
- Abstract
7-38 Luo C.
- The special coproduct of Ockham algebras
- Abstract
7-37 Kamei E.
- Converses of Furuta type inequalities
- Abstract
7-36 Mabizela S.
- Characterization of best approximations in metric linear spaces
- Abstract
7-35 Fujii J.
- Kubo-Ando theory for convex functional means
- Abstract
7-34 Ergun N., Noiri T.
- On minimal open refinements
- Abstract
7-33 Aqzzouz B., Nouira R.
- Les op\'{e}rateurs pr\'{e}compacts sur les treillis vectoriels localement convexe-solides
- Abstract
7-32 Oukhouya A.
- On local topological algebras
- Abstract
7-31 Mizuhara A.
- On simple left symmetric algebras over a solvable Lie algebra
- Abstract
7-30 Shiohama T.
- Asymptotic estimation theory for time series regression models
with multiple change points
- Abstract
7-29 Joseph J E., Kwack M H.
- Fixed point sets of normal selfmaps
- Abstract
7-28 Li C., Ch{\B{o}} M.- The quadratic moment matrix $E(1)$
- Abstract
7-27 Jun Y B.
- Characterizations of pseudo-BCK algebras
- Abstract
7-26 Kurushima A., Ano K.
- A Poisson arrival selection problem for
gamma prior intensity with natural number parameter
- Abstract
7-25 Matsushita S., Kuroiwa D.
- Approximation of fixed points of nonexpansive nonself-mappings
- Abstract
7-24 Zhan J., Tan Z.
- On kp-radical in $BCI$-algebras
- Abstract
7-23 Yamato H.
- Large deviations for a linear combination of U-statistics
- Abstract
7-22 Spearman B K., Williams K S.
- On a procedure for finding the Galois group of a quintic polynomial
- Abstract
7-21 Tanaka Y.
- Metrizability of certain point-countable unions
- Abstract
7-20 Kondo M., Jun Y B. - The class of $B$-algebras coincides with the class of groups
- Abstract
7-19 Kondo M.
- Fuzzy congruence on $BCI$-algebras
- Abstract
7-18 Takaki O.
- Primitive recursive analogues of the least regular cardinal
and the least weakly inaccessible cardinal
- Abstract
7-17 Uemura J.
- Inference of regular patterns with erasing and nonerasing variables
- Abstract
7-16 Kon M., Kushimoto S.
Efficient solutions of multicriteria location problems with the polyhedral gauge
- Abstract
7-15 Yasugi M., Oda S H.
- Notes on bounded rationality
- Abstract
7-14 Jimbo T.
- Polynomial hulls of graphs of antiholomorphic functions
- Abstract
7-13 Jun Y B.
- Roughness of ideals in $BCK$-algebras
- Abstract
7-12 Habib Z., Sakai M.
- Quadratic and T-cubic spline approximations to a planar spiral
- Abstract
7-11 Pe\v{c}ari\'{c} J., Mi\'{c}i\'{c} J.
- Chaotic order among means of positive operators
- Abstract
7-10 Feng W., Adachi K., Kowada M.
- Admission control for a polling system with Markov-modulated arrival processes and Bernoulli service schedule
- Abstract
7-9 Fujita K.
- Continuation semantics and CPS-translation of $\lambda\mu$-calculus
- Abstract
7-8 Iseki K.
- On an algebra obtained from BCI
- Abstract
7-7 Saito T.
- On ${SL(LG)}$-type subsemigroups of the finite full transformation semigroup
- Abstract
7-6 Matsuda R.
- Note on the number of semistar-operations, V
- Abstract
7-5 Imaoka T., Fujiwara K.
- Characterization of locally inverse $*$-semigroups
- Abstract
7-4 D\"om\"osi P., Okawa S.
- A new form of homomorphic characterization of context-free languages
- Abstract
7-3 Yamamura A. , Saito T.
- Subgroup membership problem and its applications to information security
- Abstract
7-2 Kitamura T.
- The freeness of modules of mixed splines
- Abstract
7-1 Inata I., Kobayashi Y.
- Monoids with subgroups of finite index and the braid inverse monoid
- Abstract
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