SCMJ Online Version
Vol.6 Whole Number 12
6-52 Kurisu T.
- A one-noisy-versus-two-silent duel with arbitrary
accuracy functions under arbitrary motion
- Abstract
6-51 Zhan J.,Tan Z.
- N-maps of $BCK$-algebras
- Abstract
6-50 Roh E H.
- On a radical approach in BCI-algebras
- Abstract
6-49 Sudo T.
- Ranks of direct products of $C^*$-algebras
- Abstract
6-48 Zhan J.,Tan Z.
- On the kp-semisimple part in $BCI$-algebras
- Abstract
6-47 Nowak M.
- Sequential $\sigma(E(X), E^\prime(X^*))$-compactness
and completeness in K\"othe-Bochner spaces $E(X)$
- Abstract
6-46 Pempera R.
- On the rates of pointwise approximation of conjugate functions
- Abstract
6-45 Rosas E., Vielma J. , Carpintero C.
- $\alpha$-semi connected and locally $\alpha$-semi connected properties in topological spaces
- Abstract
6-44 Abad M., Diaz Varela J P., Zander M.
- Varieties and quasivarieties of monadic Tarski algebras
- Abstract
6-43 Hohzaki R.
- A moving target search problem with nested constraints of search effort
- Abstract
6-42 Suchwa\l{}ko A., Szajowski K.
- Non standard, no information secretary problems
- Abstract
6-41 Takahashi W., Tamura T., Toyoda M.
- Approximation of common fixed points of a family of finite nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces
- Abstract
6-40 Trombetta A., Trombetta G.
- On the existence of $(\gamma _{p})~~k$-set
contractive retractions in $L_{p}\left[ 0,1\right] $ spaces,
$1\leq p<\infty $
- Abstract
6-39 Izumino S., Pe\v{c}ari\'{c} J E.
- A weighted version of Ozeki's inequality
- Abstract
6-38 Siweya H J., Baboolal D.
- Uniform spread completion for frames
- Abstract
6-37 Nakamura G.
- The number of extremal disks embedded in compact Riemann surfaces of genus two
- Abstract
6-36 Denecke K., Leeratanavalee S.
- Tree transformations defined by generalized hypersubstitutions
- Abstract
6-35 Fujii M., Kamei E.
- On an extension of the grand Furuta inequality
- Abstract
6-34 Freire N C.
- On complete spaces and regular topological spaces
- Abstract
6-33 D'Aniello E.
- Uncountable level sets of Lipschitz functions and analytic sets
- Abstract
6-32 Hong S M., Kim S J., Jun Y B.
- On fuzzy quotient BCI-algebras induced by fuzzy ideals
- Abstract
6-31 Goseki Z.
- On three $\z$-types of maximal $S$-subsets of an $S$-set
- Abstract
6-30 Nagao H.
- Sequential estimations of some vector in linear regression model under a linex loss
- Abstract
6-29 Sakaguchi M.
- Equlibrium in no-information best-choice games played by equally weighted players
- Abstract
6-28 Sakaguchi M.
- Better-than-opponent------A stopping game for Poisson-arriving offers
- Abstract
6-27 Ahn S S., Kim H S.
- On $R$-maps in $BCK /BCI$-algebras
- Abstract
6-26 Paredes L I., Seng C T.
- Controlled convergence theorem for Banach-valued HL integrals
- Abstract
6-25 Ahuja O P., Jahangiri J M.
- Noshiro-type harmonic univalent functions
- Abstract
6-24 Sato S., Yabuta K.
- Multilinearized Littlewood-Paley operators
- Abstract
6-23 Xu Q.
- Characterization of amenable representations
- Abstract
6-22 Djordjevi\'c S V.
- On the paraspectrum and the continuity of the spectrum in algebra of operators
- Abstract
6-21 Jun Y B., Song S Z., Lele C.
- Foldness of quasi-associative ideals in BCI-algebras
- Abstract
6-20 Bu\c{s}neag D., Piciu D.
- On the lattice of ideals of an MV-algebra
- Abstract
6-19 Fukui K., Hirai E.
- A note on the first homology of the group of polynomial automorphisms of
the coordinate space
- Abstract
6-18 Fujiwara F., Mimura F., N\^{o}no T.
- A composite maximizing problem for the open-loop nash strategies
- Abstract
6-17 Kumar S., Chugh R.
- Common fixed points theorem using minimal commutativity and reciprocal
continuity conditions in metric space
- Abstract
6-16 Mizokami T., Suwada F.
- On L- and D-spaces
- Abstract
6-15 Kim G E. , Kiuchi H. , Takahashi W.
- Weak and strong convergence theorems for nonexpansive mappings
- Abstract
6-14 Cowen R., Hechler S H., Mih\'ok P.
- Graph coloring compactness theorems equivalent to BPI
- Abstract
6-13 Choi I B.
- Misspecified interpolation for time series and its numerical studies
- Absract
6-12 Sakiyama K.
- Some statistical applications for locally stationary processes
- Absract
6-11 Bridges D., V\^{\i}\c{t}\u{a} L.
- Cauchy nets in the constructive theory of apartness spaces
- Absract
Okayasu T., Ueta Y.
Estimates for moduli of coefficients of positive trigonometric polynomials
- Absract
6-9 Okayasu T., Ueta Y.
- On essentially definite, and semidefinite tuples of operators
- Absract
6-8 Nomachi T., Kondo M., Yamato H.
- Higher order efficiency of linear combinations of U-statistics
as estimators of estimable parameters
- Absract
6-7 O'uchi M.
- Pentagonal equations for operators
associated with inclusions of $C^*$-algebras
- Absract
6-6 Kasuga K.
- Correction to the paper "there are no codimension 1 linear isometries on the ball and polydisk algebras"
- Absract
6-5 Jun Y B., Shim W H.
- Some types of positive implicative hyper $BCK$-ideals
- Absract
6-4 De Simone A., Navara M.
- On the Yosida-Hewitt decomposition and R\"{u}ttimann decomposition of states
- Absract
6-3 Mizuhara A.
- Simple left symmetric algebras over a reductive Lie algebra
- Absract
6-2 Amemiya M., Takahashi W.
- Convexity of fuzzy-valued maps and minimization theorems
- Absract
6-1 Sgibnev M S.
- Renewal theorems in the presence of roots of the characteristic equation
- Absract
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