SCMJ Online Version
Vol.5 Whole Number 10
5-65 Izumino S., Nakamura N.
- L\"owner-Heinz theorem and operator means
- Absract
5-63 Kwon O S., Owa S.
- The radius of $\beta$-convexity for the classes of $\lambda$-spirallike order $\alpha$ functions
- Absract
5-62 Tominaga M.
- Specht's ratio in the Young inequality
- Absract
5-61 Huang Y.
- On ideals in BCK-algebras (II)
- Absract
5-60 Hallenbeck K T.
- On the span of starlike curves
- Absract
5-59 Ra\"{i}ssouli M., Chergui M.
- Arithmetico-geometric and geometrico-harmonic
means of two convex functionals
- Absract
5-58 Sacheti N C., Chandran P., El-Bashir T.
- On the boundary layer flow of an inelastic fluid near a moving wall
- Absract
5-57 Gao Z., Yang Z., Yasui Y.
- The continuity of operators in pattern morphology
- Absract
5-56 Kondo M., Yamato H.
- Almost sure convergence of a linear combination of
- Absract
5-55 Jun Y B., Roh E H.
- Fuzzifications of $a\&\mathcal I$-ideals in {\bf IS}-algebras
- Absract
5-51 Fujii M., Nakamura M.
- Bonsall's constructions of spectral measures and successive approximation in Wazan
- Absract
5-50 Fujii M., Nakamoto R.
- A geometric mean in the Furuta inequality
- Absract
5-49 Nakata M., Hayashi S.
- A limiting first order realizability interpretation
- Absract
5-48 Yasugi M., Brattka V., Washihara M.
- Computability aspects of some discontinuous functions
- Absract
5-46 Szeto G., Xue L.
- On Azumaya automorphism extensions of rings
- Absract
5-45 Fujiwara F., Mimura F., N\^{o}no T.
- New derivation of conservation laws for maximizing problem
under constraints
- Absract
5-44 Nakamoto R., Takahasi S.
- Norm equality condition in triangular inequality
- Absract
5-43 Kondo M., Yamato H.
- Invariance principles for a linear combination of
- Absract
5-42 Kawabe J.
- Compactness and metrizability in the space of
vector measures in locally convex spaces
- Absract
5-41 Habib Z., Sakai M.
- High accurate rational cubic curve
- Absract
5-40 Harada C., Nakai E.
- The square partial sums of the Fourier transform
of radial functions in three dimensions
- Absract
5-39 Al-Jarrah A A.,
Al-Salman Ahmad.
- On the Evaluation of some Bessel Integrals
- Absract
5-38 Ferrando J C.
- Complemented copies of $c_{0}$ in $L_{w^{\ast}}^{\infty}(\mu,Z)$
- Absract
5-37 Nakanishi S.
- A structure of an increasing sequence of closed sets
whose union is a multidimentional interval
- Absract
5-36 Prada J.
- Delta operators on sequence spaces
- Absract
5-35 Matsuda R.
- Note on the number of semistar-operations, iv
- Absract
5-34 Han S.
- Design of experiments to identify optimal parameters of genetic algorithm
- Absract
5-33 Hohjo H., Teraoka Y.
- A duopolistic inventory problem including the possibility that
the customers give up purchasing the merchandise
- Absract
5-32Roh E H., Zhang Q.,Jun Y B.
- Some results in hyper $BCK$-algebras
- Absract
5-31 Zhan J., Tan Z.
- On the $BCI$-$KG$ part of $BCI$-algebras
- Absract
5-30 Roh E. H. , Xu Y., Song Z., Qin K., Wang W.
- On quotient residuated lattices via fuzzy LIA-filters
- Absract
5-29 Jun Y B., Roh E H., Kim H S.
- Extensions of fuzzy ideals in BCK-algebras
- Absract
5-28 Singh V.
- A subset of the class S
- Absract
5-27 Lin Y H.
- Some results on almost biideals
- Absract
5-26 Lin Y H.
- Some properties on commutative BCK--algebras
- Absract
5-25 Bosbach B.
- Ringlike Ideal Monoids
- Absract
5-24 Dolecki S., Nogura T.
- Countably infinite products of sequential topologies
- Absract
5-23 Muthusamy K. , Ishii H., Masuda T., Mohri S.
- Single machine batching problem to minimize the sum of
completion times with number of batches and batch size limitations
- Absract
5-22 Jo Y S., Ha D Y., Baik H G.
- Hilbert-Schmidt Interpolation for vectors
in tridiagonal algebra
- Absract
5-21 Jun Y B., Roh E H.
- Intuitionistic aspects of fuzzy topological BCH-algebras
- Absract
5-20 Taniguchi Y.
- On the extensions of FK-ternary algebras
- Absract
5-19 Xin X L.
- On the equivalent condition of the involutory BCK-algebras
- Absract
5-18 Zhan J., Tan Z.
- Fuzzy multiply positive implicative ideal
- Absract
5-17 Nakamura O.
- On the crossing number of the simple connected graphs
- Absract
5-16 Nakamura O.
- On the non-isomorphic embeddings of the simple, connected,
planar graphs
- Absract
5-15 Moori J., Rodrigues B G.
- On Frattini extensions
- Absract
5-14 Ch\={o} M., Tanahashi K.
- Spectral relations for Aluthge transform
- Absract
5-13 Yoshida K.
- Error analysis of the Shortley-Weller
finite difference method applied to two-point
boundary value problems
- Absract
5-12 Yan C H., Fang J X.
- On the categories of LFNS and QFTVS
- Absract
5-11 Kehayopulu N., Tsingelis M.
- Remark on ordered groupoids
- Absract
5-10 Kehayopulu N., Tsingelis M.
- On prime ideals of groupoids-ordered groupoids
- Absract
5-9 Kehayopulu N., Tsingelis M.
- On maximal ideals of ordered semigroups
- Absract
5-8 Jun Y B., Xin X L.
- Positive implicative Hyper$BCK$-algebras
- Absract
5-7 Taniguchi Y., Atsuyama K.
- On semisimple $U(\sigma)$-algebras
- Absract
5-6 Gunawan H.
- On $n$-inner products, $n$-norms, and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
- Absract
5-5 Yoon Y S.
- Generalized Gottlieb groups and generalized Wang homomorphisms
- Absract
5-4 Suizu K.
- Characterizations of parallel imbeddings of projective spaces into
space forms by circles
- Absract
5-3 Ikehata R., Matsuyama T.
- $L^2$-behaviour of solutions to the linear hert
and wave equations in exterior domains
- Absract
5-2 Ito M.
- Some order preserving operator inequality via Furuta inequality
- Absract
5-1 Miura T.
- On the Hyers-Ulam stability of a differentiable map
- Absract
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