SCMJ Online Version
Vol.4 Whole Number 10
4-110 Siweya H J.
- A necessary and sufficient condition for a complete spread
- Absract
4-109 Kawakatsu H., Kikuta K., Hamada T.
- Bayes solution to dynamic perishable inventory problem
with two types of states
- Absract
4-108 Crescenzo A D., Longobardi M.
- The up reversed hazard rate stochastic order
- Absract
4-107 Yasui Y.
- Notes on generalizations of Hurewicz spaces
- Absract
4-106 Youcai X.
- The least square solution to quaternion matrix equations
- Absract
4-105 Sekine T., Tsurumi K., Srivastava H. M.
- Integral means for generalized subclasses of analytic functions
- Absract
4-104 Mili\v{c}i\'{c} P M.
- On the $g$-orthogonal projection and the best approximation of a
vector in a quasi-inner product spaces
- Absract
4-103 Babiker A N.,Malaibary R A.
- Affine-derived 3-designs
- Absract
4-102 Mori A.
- Remarks on the spaces of Riemannian metrics associated
with contact forms on 3-manifolds
- Absract
4-101 Tanimoto S.
- An action on permutations with application to Eulerian numbers
- Absract
4-100 Zhang Q., Jun Y B., Roh E H.
- On the branch of BH-algebras
- Absract
4-99 Nakai E.
- On generalized fractional integrals in the Orlicz spaces on spaces of homogeneous type
- Absract
4-98 Nakai E., Sumitomo H.
- On generalized Riesz potentials and spaces of some smooth functions
- Absract
4-97 Kim K. H.
- On prime and semiprime ideals in gamma-seminear-rings
- Absract
4-96 Terada M.
- Prefix-Free generating sets of formal languages and learning
- Absract
4-95 Hao J.,Zhaosheng J.
- Note on proper BCI-algebras with orders five and six
- Absract
4-94 Popescu A.
- On a class of ultrametric measures
- Absract
4-93 Sudo T
- Structure of group $C^*$-algebras of
the generalized disconnected Dixmier groups
- Absract
4-92 Jun Y. B.
- BCK/BCI-relations
- Absract
4-91 Kemoto N., Kuwaoka K.
- ParaLindel\" of subspaces in products of two ordinals
- Absract
4-90 Lu\v{z}anin Z., Rapaji\'{c} S.
- Convergence acceleration of a general Newton method for
systems of nonlinear equations
- Absract
4-89 Hamaguchi N.
- Generalized $d$-derivations of rings without unit elements
- Absract
4-88 Preuss G.
- The role of nearness in convenient topology
- Absract
4-87 Ninomiya H.
- On a necessary condition of local integrability for complex
vector field in $ \Bbb R^2 $
- Absract
4-86 Abu-Khuzam H., Bell H. E., Yaqub A.
- Structure of rings with a condition on zero divisors
- Absract
4-85 Abel M.
- Sectional representations of Gelfand-Mazur algeblas
- Absract
4-84 Wismath S. L.
- Hypersubstitutions for the variety of star bands
- Absract
4-83 Tian Y.
- Some inequalities for sums of matrices
- Absract
4-82 Jun Y. B., Hong S. M.
- Fuzzy subalgebras of BCK/BCI-algebras redefined
- Absract
4-81 Sadahiro T.
- Dimension estimate for a set obtained from
a three-dimensional non-periodic self-affine tiling
- Absract
4-80 Khan A. R., Hussain N.
- Iterative approximation of fixed points of nonexpansive maps
- Absract
4-79 Qu Z., Yasui Y.
- Relatively subparacompact spaces
- Absract
4-78 Nakajo K., Takahashi W.
- A nonlinear strong ergodic theorem for families of asymptotically
nonexpansive mappings with compact domains
- Absract
4-77 Mizuhara A.
- Left symmetric algebras over a real reductive Lie algebra
- Absract
4-76 Feng W., Kowada M., Adachi K.
- Two-queue and two-server model with a hysteretic control service policy
- Absract
4-75 Sakaguchi M.
- A best-choice problem for a production system
which deteriorates at a disorder time
- Absract
4-74 Nauwelaerts M.
- (Quasi-)semi-approach uniform convergence spaces
- Absract
4-73 Mira J. A., Mora G.
- A note on the feasible sets of linear inequality systems
- Absract
4-72 Kamide N.
- Cut elimination theorems and\\ a canonical model
construction\\ for some implicational substructural logics
- Absract
4-71 Yang C.
- An order preserving inequality via Furuta inequality
- Abstract
4-70 Yang C.
- On the strong extreme points of the set $N_0(\D)$
- Abstract
4-69 Nakagami K.
- An integral preserved by a translation on the space
${\Gamma}_0(D)\bigoplus M_0(D)$
- Abstract
4-68 Matsuda R.
- An Eakin-Nagata theorem for semigroups
- Abstract
4-67 Tsujimura M.
- Optimal implementation of environmental improvement policy
with implementation costs
- Abstract
4-66 Lele C. , Wu C., Weke P., Mamadou T., Edward NJock G.
- Fuzzy ideals and weak ideals in BCK-algebras
- Abstract
4-65 Hong H. L., Wong F. H., Yeh C. C.
- Existence of positive solutions for nonlinear differential equations
- Abstract
4-64 Kasuga K.
- There are no codimension 1 linear
isometries on the ball and polydisk algebras
- Abstract
4-63 Liu L.
- Complex rotundity of Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces
equipped with the Orlicz norm
- Abstract
4-62 Kon M.
- Efficient solutions of multicriteria location problems
with rectilinear norm in $\ve{R}^3$
- Abstract
4-61 Kondo M.
- Congruences on hyper BCK-algebras
- Abstract
4-60 Nurettin E., Noiri T.
- On certain generalizations of countably compact spaces
and Lindel\"of spaces
- Abstract
4-59 Shimada F., Ishii H.
- Extension of spanning tree and applications
- Abstract
4-58 Porosi\'{n}ski Z.
- Full-information best choice problems
with recall of observations, uncertainty of selection
and a random number of observations
- Abstract
4-57 Tsekrekos P., Wnuk W.
- On ms-sequences in ordered topological vector spaces
- Abstract
4-56 Arworn S. R., Denecke K., Koppitz J.
- Strongly fluid and weakly unsolid varieties
- Abstract
4-55 Taskovic M. R.
- General expansion mappings on topological spaces
- Abstract
4-54 Refai M.
- On properties of G-spec(R)
- Abstract
4-53 D\^oku I.
- Removability of exceptional sets on the boundary
for solutions to some nonlinear equations$^*$
- Abstract
4-52 Ano K.
- Multiple selection problem and OLA stopping rule
- Abstract
4-51 Chandran P., Sacheti N. C. ,
Singh A. K.
- A unified approach to analytical solution of
a hydromagnetic free convection flow
- Abstract
4-50 Ryu S. U., Yagi A.
- Optimal feedback controls for Keller-Segel equations
- Abstract
4-49 Kim K. H., Jun Y. B., \"Ozt\"urk M. A.
- Intuitionistic fuzzy ideals of $\Gamma$-rings
- Abstract
4-48 \"Ozt\"urk M A., Jun Y B.,
Kim K H.
- Orthogonal traces on semi-prime gamma rings
- Abstract
4-47 Jun Y. B., Xin X. L.
- Fuzzy hyper$BCK$-ideals of hyper$BCK$-algebras
- Abstract
4-46 Jun Y. B.
- Some results on ideals of BCK-algebras
- Abstract
4-45 Vassiliou E., Papatriantafillou M. H.
- Connections on ${\mathbb A}$-frame bundles
- Abstract
4-44 Miura T.
- A representation of ring homomorphisms
on commutative Banach algebras
- Abstract
4-43 Borzoei R. T., Zahedi M. M.
- Positive implicative hyper$K$-ideals
- Abstract
4-42 Ferreirim I. M. A.
- On a conjecture by Andrzej Wro\'nski for BCK-algebras and subreducts of
- Abstract
4-41 Kamei E., Nakamura M.
- Remark on chaotic Furuta inequality
- Abstract
4-40 Miyazaki K.
- Continuous selections on almost compact spaces
- Abstract
4-39 Kawagishi M.
- A generalized Cauchy-Kovalevskaja-Nagumo
theorem with shrinkings
- Abstract
4-38 Humberstone L.
- Note on a lemma of Komori
- Abstract
4-37 Matsuoka K.
- Interpolation theorem between $B_0^p$ and $BMO$
- Abstract
4-36 Georgiou D. N. , Papadopoulos B. K.
- Weakly continuous, weakly $\t-$continuous,
super-continuous and topologies on function spaces
- Abstract
4-35 Spearman B. K. , Williams K. S.
- Note on a paper of Kobayashi and Nakagawa
- Abstract
4-34 Zhang X., Yue Z., Hu W.
- On fuzzy BCC-ideals
- Abstract
4-33 Sakaguchi M.
- Three-person stopping games under winning probability
maximization and players' unequally weighted privilege
- Abstract
4-32 Sakaguchi M., Hamada T.
- Optimal stopping games under winning probability maximization and
player's weighted privilege
- Abstract
4-31 Gao Zhi min., Yasui Y.
- The continuity on pattern recognitions
- Abstract
4-30 Sieben N.
- A note on primitive equivalence
- Abstract
4-29 Gao Zhi min., Yasui Y.
- Topological structure for the space consisting of images
- Abstract
4-28 Dominguez-Benavides T., Khamsi M.A.
Samadi S.
- Asymptotically regular mappings in modular function spaces
- Abstract
4-27 Kasior E., Le{\'s}niewicz R.
- On linear operators from Orlicz spaces
into locally convex linear-topological spaces
- Abstract
4-26 Kamei E.
- Chaotic order and Furuta inequality
- Abstract
4-25 Amig\'{o} J. M.
- Integrals, sums of reciprocal powers and Mittag-Leffler expansions
- Abstract
4-24 Chaudhry M. A.
- On two classes of $BCI$-algebras
- Abstract
4-23 Jun Y. B.
- $Q$-fuzzy subalgebras of BCK/BCI-algebras
- Abstract
4-22 Kim G. H.
- A result concerning derivations in noncommutative Banach
- Abstract
4-21 Jung D., Lee M. Y., Lee S. H.
- On classes of operators related to paranormal operators
- Abstract
4-20 Maki H., Noiri T.
- Bioperations and some separation axioms
- Abstract
4-19 Neggers J., Kim H. S.
- On analytic $T$-algebras
- Abstract
4-18 Kanemitsu M., Baba K., Yoshida K.
- The Laurent extension of a noetherian integral domain
- Abstract
4-17 Maciej Wilczy\'{n}ski${}^{*}$
- Minimax nonparametric prediction under random sample size
- Abstract
4-16 Hussain K. S., Takahashi W.
- Approximating common fixed points of two asymptotically nonexpansive
- Abstract
4-15 Mohammad N., Khan L. A., Thaheem A. B
- On closed range multipliers on topological algebras
- Abstract
4-14 Sun D.
- On atoms of BCK-algebras
- Abstract
4-13 Goginava U.
- Relations between some classes of functions
- Abstract/Full
4-12 Loeb P. A., Talvila E.
- Covering theorems and Lebesgue integration
- Abstract/Full
4-11 Nishimura S.
- Duality of codes and theta functions
- Abstract/Full
4-10 Zahedi M. M., Borzoei R. A., Rezaei H.- Some classifications of hyperK-algebras of order 3
- Abstract/Full
4-9 Kurata H.
- A note on an upper bound for the covariance matrix of a generalized least squares estimator in a heteroscedastic model
- Abstract /Full
4-8 Joseph J. E., Kwack M. H.
- Topology Theorems formulated from
hyperbolic geometry considerations
- Abstract /Full
4-7 Jun Y. B., Xin X. L.
- On topological BCI-algebras II
- Abstract /Full
4-6 Komori Y.
- Calder\'{o}n--Zygmund operators on $H^p (R^n )$
- Abstract
4-5 Giotopoulos S., Haralampidou M.
- The structure of Banach algebras $A$, satisfying $xAx=x^2 Ax^2$ for every$x \in A$
- Abstract
4-4 Roh E. H., Kim S. Y., Shim. W. H.
- $a \& \Cal I$-ideals on IS-algebras
- Abstract
4-3 Keremedis K., Tachtsis. E.
- On Loeb and weakly Loeb Hausdorff spaces
- Abstract
4-2 Wang X.
- Convergence rate of conditional expectations
- Abstract
4-1 Tka\v cenko M. G., Tkachuk V. V.,
Wilson R. G., Yaschenko I. V.
- Normality on dense countable subspaces
- Abstract
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