SCMJ ( in Editione Electronica )
e-2014 Whole Number 27
2014-20 Toshiharu Kawasaki
- Approximately derivative in a vector lattice
- Abstract
E-book Vol.78,No1
2014-19 Yasuo Adachi* and Naoya Uematsu**
- Some coalitional games with the shapley value
- Abstract
2014-18 YoshioTabata* and Hiroyasu Akakabe**
- Optimal Maintenance Policy for Fixed Operating Time Horizon
- Abstract
2014-17 Kiyoshi Kitahara, Kunihito Usui, Masataka Kaneko, Setsuo Takato
- Neuroscientific consideration of the educational effect achieved using illustrated course materials
- Abstract
2014-16 Hajime Yamato and Masao Kondo
- The Edgeworth expansion for the number of distinct
observations with the mixture of Dirichlet processes
- Abstract
2014-15 M. Fujii, M.S. Moslehian, R. Nakamoto and M. Tominaga
- An investigation of unitarily invariant norm inequalities of L$\ddot{o}$wner--Heinz type
- Abstract
2014-14 Yoshihiro Suto
- Shrinkage estimation for the autocovariance matrix of vector-valued gaussian stationary processes
- Abstract
E-book Vol.78,No2
2014-13 Mitsuo Izuki, Eiichi Nakai and Yoshihiro Sawano
- Function spaces with variable exponents -- an introduction --
- Abstract
2014-12 Masaru Nagisa
- A note on rational operator monotone functions
- Abstract
E-book Vol.78,No2
2014-11 H. Maki, S. Takigawa, M. Fujimoto,
P. Sundaram and M. Sheik John
- Remarks on $\omega$-closed sets in sundaram-sheik john's sense of digital $n$-spaces
- Abstract
2014-10 Saichi Izumino and Noboru Nakamura
- Elementary proofs of operator monotonicity of some functions II
- Abstract
E-book Vol.78,No1
2014-9 Saurabh Chandra Maury
- Hyperspaces and complete invariance property
- Abstract
E-book Vol.78,No1
2014-8 Linh N. T. H., Ton
T.V. and Yagi A.
- Quantitative investigations for ODE model describing fish schooling
- Abstract
2014-7 Kubo K., Kubo F. and Seo Y.
- Selberg type inequalities in a Hilbert $c^*$-module and its applications
- Abstract
E-book Vol.78,No1
2014-6 Changphas T. and Jantanan W.
- On 0-minimal ideals in a dual ordered semigroup with zero
- Abstract
E-book Vol.78,No1
2014-5 Kosaka A.
- Bifurcation of solutions to semilinear elliptic problems on $\mathbf{s}^2$ with a small hole
- Abstract
E-book Vol.78,No1
2014-4 Ono K.
- Lower decay estimates for non-degenerate dissipative wave equations of kirchhoff type
- Abstract
2014-3 Kawasaki T. and Kobayashi T.
- Existence and mean approximation of fixed points of generalized hybrid non-self mappings in hilbert spaces
- Abstract
2014-2 Kim B. H., Maeda S. and Tanabe H.
- Normal real hypersurfaces in a nonflat complex space form
- Abstract
2014-1 Miyasita T.
- Global existence and exponential attractor of solutions of
fix-caginalp equation
- Abstract
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