SCMJ ( in Editione Electronica )
e-2010 Whole Number 23
2010-64 Hojo M., Takahashi W.
- Weak and strong convergence theorems for generalized hybrid mappings in Hilbert spaces
- Abstract
2010-63 Ishimaru K., Sakawa M., Katagiri H., Matsui T.
- Operation planning of urban DHC plants considering the continuousness of load and driving
- Abstract
2010-62 Fujii J., Kian M., Moslehian M.S.
- Operator $Q$-class functions
- Abstract
2010-61 K\^{o}no N.
- Evolutionarily stable strategies based on Bayesian games
- Abstract
2010-60 Huabsomboon P., Novaprateep B., Kaneko H.
- Taylor-series expansion method for volterra integral equations of the second kind
- Abstract
2010-59 Maki H., Mohammed A.M., Karim A., Nishi A., Ogata H.
- On operation approaches of $\alpha$-open sets and semi-open sets
- Abstract
2010-58 Kehayopulu N., Tsingelis M.
- Regularity in ordered semigroups
- Abstract
2010-57 Takahashi T.
- Mathematics experiment in university mathematics by using CAS
- Abstract
2010-56 Taniguchi E., Yoshifumi Hyodo Y., Kuwada M.
- Balanced fractional ${3^{{m}}}$ factorial designs
of resolutions R${(\{00,10,01\} \cup S_1|\omega)}$
- Abstract
2010-55 Kehayopulu N., Tsingelis M.
- Embedding an ordered semigroup into a translational hull
- Abstract
2010-54 Bosch C., Garcia A., G\'{o}mez-Wulschner C., Hern\'{a}ndez-Linares S.
- Equivalents to Ekeland's variational principle in locally complete
- Abstract
2010-53 Kim B.H., Maeda S.
- Totally $\eta$-umbilic hypersurfaces in a nonflat complex space form and their almost contact
metric structures
- Abstract
2010-52 Borzooei R.A., Shohani J.
- $BCK$-algebras of fractions
- Abstract
2010-51 Kim K.H.
- A note on $f$-derivations of subtraction algebras
- Abstract
2010-50 Sakawa M., Katagiri H., Matsui T.,
Ishimaru K., Ushiro S.
- Heat load prediction in district heating and cooling systems through a
recurrent neural network with data characteristics
- Abstract
2010-49 Izumino S., Nakamura N., Tominaga M.
- Mean theoretic operator functions for extensions of the grand Furuta inequality
- Abstract
2010-48 Kim Y.O., Fujii J., Fujii M., Seo Y.
- Kantorovich type inequalities for the difference with two negative parameters
- Abstract
2010-47 Seo Y.
- A generalized P\'{o}lya-Szeg\"{o} inequality for the Hadamard product
- Abstract
2010-46 Sakawa M., Katagiri H., Matsui T.,
Ishimaru K., Ushiro S.
- Long-term operation planning of district heating and cooling plants
with contract violation penalties
- Abstract
2010-45 Kehayopulu N., Tsingelis M.
- Free ordered semigroups
- Abstract
2010-44 Cull P.
- Comments on ``on a certain repeating processes problem in arithmetic''
- Abstract
2010-43 Rosjanuardi R., Itoh T.
- Characterization of maximal primitive ideals of Toeplitz algebras
- Abstract
2010-42 Hallenbeck K.T.
- A Theorem on the subject of Cook's inequality
- Abstract
2010-41 Kim K.H.
- On left fixed maps of BE-algebras
- Abstract
2010-40 Kim K.H.
- On vague subalgebra of $d$-algebra
- Abstract
2010-39 Kim K.H.
- A note on BE-algebras
- Abstract
2010-38 Kim Y.O.,
Seo Y., Fujii J.
- Kantorovich type inequalities characterize the chaotic order for positive operators
- Abstract
2010-37 Obama T., Kuroiwa D.
- Common fixed point theorems of Caristi type mappings with $w$-distance
- Abstract
2010-36 Mau N.V., Tuan N.M.
- Isomorphic Theorem between Algebra generated by idempotents and algebra of their symbols
- Abstract
2010-35 Komiya T., Polparnt M., Hohzaki R., Fukuda E.
- An optimal dispatch planning of guards to counter to a suicide bomber
- Abstract
2010-34 Meng B.L.
- Atoms in $CI$-algebras and singular $CI$-algebras
- Abstract
2010-33 Ichihara R., Kawakami S.
- Estimation of the orders on hypergroup extensions
- Abstract
2010-32 Kehayopulu N., Tsingelis M.
- On some regular subsemigroups of semigroups
- Abstract
2010-31 Mori K., Kurata H.
- The MSE of an adaptive ridge estimator in a linear regression model with spherically symmetric error
- Abstract
2010-30 Nakai T.
- Sequential decision problem with partial maintenance on a partially observable Markov process
- Abstract
2010-29 Abbas S., Benchohra M., G\`orniewicz L.
- Existence theory for impulsive partial hyperbolic
functional differential equations involving the caputo fractional derivative
- Abstract
2010-28 Meng B.L.
- Closed filters in $CI$-algebras
- Abstract
2010-27 Preuss G.
- (Weak) compactness and local (weak) compactness in fuzzy preuniform convergence spaces
- Abstract
2010-26 Hattori Y., Yamada K.
- Jun-iti Nagata 1925-2007
- Abstract
2010-25 Mill J.v., and Pol R.
- Nagata's contributions to dimension theory
- Abstract
2010-24 Hattori Y.
- Around the Nagata's metrics
- Abstract
2010-23 Kehayopulu N., Tsingelis M.
- The set of regular elements in ordered semigroups
- Abstract
2010-22 Komori-Furuya Y., Matsuoka K.
- Weighted estimates for singular integral operators
on $CMO$ spaces
- Abstract
2010-21 Pasynkov B.A.
- On one Nagata's idea
- Abstract
2010-20 Alshehr N.O.
- On derivations of incline algebras
- Abstract
2010-19 Sato S.
- A note on $L^p$ estimates for singular integrals
- Abstract
2010-18 Wanicharpichat W.
- A Hermite's interpolation formula with generalized quotient and remainder theorems
- Abstract
2010-17 Noori-Ranjbar L.,
Ali Nasr-Azadani M.
- Classification of quasi union hyper K-algebras of order 6
- Abstract
2010-16 Yasugi M., Washihara M.
- Sequential computability of a function
-limiting recursion versus effective uniformity-
To the memory of Marian Boykan Pour-Ell
- Abstract
2010-15 Mizokami T.
- On Nagata's contribution to theory of generalized metric spaces
- Abstract
2010-14 Arhangel'skii A.
- Remembering Jun-iti Nagata
- Abstract
2010-13 Hallenbeck K.T.
- The Abu-Muhanna conjecture on support points
- Abstract
2010-12 Kono H., Ishii H.,
Shiode S.
- The study of TRADE-OFF in conjoint analysis
- Abstract
2010-11 Kansal S.,
Singh G.P., Acharya M.
- On Petri nets generating all the binary n-vectors
- Abstract
2010-10 Meng B.L.
- On filters in $BE$-algebras
- Abstract
2010-9 Kehayopulu N., Tsingelis M.
- On free ordered semigroups
- Abstract
2010-8 Oda S., Sato J.
- On a certain repeating processes problem in arithmetic
- Abstract
2010-7 Szeto G., Xue L.
- On Hirata separable extensions for group rings
- Abstract
2010-6 Hashimoto H.
- Comparative market system analysis: limit order market and dealer market
- Abstract
2010-5 Farroni F., Giova R., Ricciardi T.
- Best constant and extremals for a vector Poincar\'{e} inequality with weights
- Abstract
2010-4 Sato J., Baba K.
- The chromatic number of the simple graph associated
with a commutative ring
- Abstract
2010-3 Kehayopulu N.
- On ordered $\Gamma$-semigroups
- Abstract
2010-2 Kim K.H.
- Interval valued intuitionistic $(s^*, t^*)$-fuzzy bi-ideals
of semigroups
- Abstract
2010-1 Takai T., Kaji Y., Seki H.
- Right-linear finite path overlapping rewrite systems
effectively preserve recognizability
- Abstract
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