SCMJ ( in Editione Electronica )
e-2009 Whole Number 22
2009-72 Meng B.L.
- $CI$-algebras
- Abstract
2009-71 Mi\'{c}i\'{c} J, Pe\v{c}ari\'{c} J
- Order among power means of positive operators, II
- Abstract
2009-70 Nasef A.A, Maki H.
- On some maps concerning gp-closed sets and related groups
- Abstract
2009-69 Arora S.C., Tahiliani S., Maki H.
- On $\pi$ generalized $\beta$-closed sets in topological spaces ii
- Abstract
2009-68 Kametaka Y., Nagai A., Watanabe K., Takemura K., Yamagishi H.
- Giambelli's formula and the best constant of
Sobolev inequality in one dimensional Euclidean space
- Abstract
2009-67 Falset J.G., Guran L., Llorens-Fuster E.
- Fixed points for multivalued contractions with respect to a $w$-distance
- Abstract
2009-66 Abel M., Arhippainen J., Kauppi J.
- Stone-Weierstrass type theorems for algebras containing continuous unbounded functions
- Abstract
2009-65 Torii R.
- Path transferability of planar graphs
- Abstract
2009-64 Jafarpour M., Mousavi S.S.
- A construction of hypersemigroups from a family of
preordered semigroups
- Abstract
2009-63 Fujii J.
- The Hiai-Petz geodesic for strongly convex norm is the unique shortest path
- Abstract
2009-62 Kawada C.
- A Bayesian analysis for short-term interest rate models and its applications
- Abstract
2009-61 Bridges D.S., Havea R.S.
- Constructing square roots in a Banach algebra
- Abstract
2009-60 Kim Y.H.Y.
- On duplicative algebras
- Abstract
2009-59 Mermri E.-B., Katagiri H., Sakawa M., Ishii H.
- A variance minimization model for fuzzy random minimum spanning tree problems
- Abstract
2009-58 Azad M.A.K., Kato K., Katagiri H., Uno T., Sakawa M.
- Interactive fuzzy programming for multiobjective two-level nonlinear integer programming problems through genetic algorithms
- Abstract
2009-57 Kehayopulu N., Tsingelis M.
- Ideal extensions of weakly reductive ordered semigroups
- Abstract
2009-56 Kon M.
- Stability in multicriteria location problems
- Abstract
2009-55 Fujii J., Kamei E.
- Path of Bregman-Petz operator divergence
- Abstract
2009-54 Kili\c{c}man A., Salleh Z.
- On pairwise almost regular-Lindel \"{o}f spaces
- Abstract
2009-53 Iseki K.
- Memories of Tadashige Ishihara
- Abstract
2009-52 Iseki K.
- A simple number theoretic problem III
- Abstract
2009-51 Nagao H.
- Tadashige Ishihara 1920--2008
- Abstract
2009-50 Yamagata H.
- Relative rearrangement and its applications
- Abstract
2009-49 Teraoka Y.
- N person silent games on sale in which the price is a unimodal function with time
- Abstract
Buonocore A., Crescenzo A.D., Giorno V., Nobile A.G., Ricciardi L.M.
- A markov chain-based model for actomyosin dynamics
- Abstract
2009-47 Hai D.D., Yagi A.
- Numerical computations and pattern formation for chemotaxis-growth model
- Abstract
2009-46 Galindo J., Garcia-Ferreira S., Tomita A.H.
- Pseudocompact group topologies with prescribed topological subspaces
- Abstract
2009-45 Ricciardi L.M.
- Remembering professor T. Ishihara
2009-44 Barbieri G.
- On the Dieudonn\'e theorem
- Abstract
2009-43 Jun Y.B., Kang M.S., Kim H.S.
- Bipolar fuzzy structures of some types of ideals in hyper BCK-algebras
- Abstract
2009-42 Cull P.
- Moore Reducibility for Regular Languages
- Abstract
2009-41 Kimura Y., Nakajo K., Takahashi W.
- Convexity of the set of fixed points of a quasi-pseudocontractive type lipschitz mapping and
the shrinking projection method
- Abstract
2009-40 Oudadess M.
- Uniqueness of von Neumann bornology in locally $C^{\ast }$-algebras.
A bornological analogue of Johnson's theorem
- Abstract
2009-39 Nagao H.
- The proof of independence of marginals for $ k\times l$ contingency table
- Abstract
2009-38 Tabata Y.
- Minimum tracking error problem for jump diffusion stock-price process
- Abstract
2009-37 Tuan N. M., Tuan P. D.
- Generalized convolutions relative to the Hartley transforms with applications
- Abstract
2009-36 Nasr-Azadani M.A., Zahedi M.M.
- Classification of Quasi union Hyper K-algebras of order less than 6
- Abstract
2009-35 Ishii H., Ge Y.
- Fuzzy transportation problem with random transportation costs
- Abstract
2009-34 Denecke K., Saengsura K.
- Hyperalgebras and Hyper-coalgebras
- Abstract
2009-33 Devi R., Kokilavani V., Maki H.
- More on g$^{\#}\alpha$-open sets in digital planes
- Abstract
2009-32 Salomaa A.
- Upper triangular matrices and subword occurrences
- Abstract
2009-31 Favini A., Yakubov Y.
- Regular boundary value problems for elliptic differential-operator
equations of the fourth order in {\it UMD} Banach spaces
- Abstract
2009-30 Arhangel'skii A.V.
- On topological structure of spaces that are mildly connected-cleavable over the reals
- Abstract
2009-29 Rus I.A.
- Gronwall lemmas: ten open problems
- Abstract
2009-28 Heuvers K., Ng C.T.
- Multiplicative quadratic forms on the quaternions
and related functional equations
- Abstract
2009-27 Bovdi V., Grishkov A., Konovalov A.
- Kimmerle conjecture for the Held and O'Nan sporadic simple groups
- Abstract
2009-26 Mecheri S., Tanahashi K., Uchiyama A.
- Weyl type theorems for $(p,k)$-quasihyponormal operators
- Abstract
2009-25 Ito M., Kamei E.
- Ando-Hiai inequality and a generalized Furuta-type operator function
- Abstract
2009-24 Rodr\'{\i}guez-Mart\'{\i}nez A.
- The classical Volterra operator and Schur's theorem
- Abstract
2009-23 Szeto G., Xue L.
- On Hirata separable Galois extensions
- Abstract
2009-22 Elishakoff I, B\'{e}gin-Drolet A.
- Talmudic bankruptcy problem: special and general solutions
- Abstract
2009-21 Sayyed K.A.M., Metwally M.S., Mohamed M.T.
- Certain hypergeometric matrix functions
- Abstract
2009-20 Kumagai E.
- Information loss of extracted series in AR(1) model
- Abstract
2009-19 Hashiriura H.
- A note on the Martin topology of the space of the formal balls
- Abstract
2009-18 Comfort W.W., Gotchev I.S.
- Functional dependence on small sets of indices
- Abstract
2009-17 Soliman A.H.
- A fixed point theorem for semigroups on metric spaces with uniform normal structure
- Abstract
2009-16 Fujimura H., Yagi A.
- Homogeneous stationary solution for BCF model describing crystal surface growth
- Abstract
2009-15 Kim K.H.
- On T-fuzzy ideals in Hilbert algebras
- Abstract
2009-14 Kim K.H.
- On t-level subalgebras of BCK-algebras
- Abstract
/ Full
2009-13 Chaudhry M. A.
- Extended reciprocal zeta function and an alternate formulation of the Riemann hypothesis
- Abstract
2009-12 Jun Y.B., Kang M.S., Kim H.S.
- Bipolar fuzzy implicative hyper BCK-ideals in hyper BCK-algebras
- Abstract
2009-11 Fujii J., Kim Y.O.
- A Kantorovich type inequality with a negative parameter
- Abstract
2009-10 Fujii M., Ito M., Kamei E.,
Matsumoto A.
- Operator inequalities related to Ando-Hiai inequality
- Abstract
2009-9 Hallenbeck K.T.- A note on Cook's inequality for simple closed curves
- Abstract
2009-8 Szajowski K.
- A rank-based selection with cardinal
payoffs and a cost of choice.
- Abstract
2009-7 Pfeffer W.F.
- H\"older conditions in the divergence theorem
- Abstract
2009-6 Ch\=o M.,
Lee J.I., Yamazaki T.
- On the operator equation $AB = zBA$
- Abstract
2009-5 Han S.
- A selecting method of reasonable non-dominated
schedules on open shop
- Abstract
2009-4 Fujii M., Kamei E.
- Operator inequalities of Ando-Hiai type and their applications
- Abstract
2009-3 Hosseini S.N.
- Interval Hausdorffness and initiality
- Abstract
2009-2 Honda T., Takahashi W.
- Norm One Linear Projections and Generalized Conditional Expectations in Banach Spaces
- Abstract
2009-1 Preuss G.
- A Common improvement of fuzzy topological spaces and fuzzy
(quasi) uniform spaces
- Abstract
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