SCMJ ( in Editione Electronica )
e-2008 Whole Number 21
2008-60 Sudo T.
- Stable rank of the $C^*$-algebras of almost commuting operators
- Abstract
2008-59 O'uchi M.
- A trinary relation arising from a matched pair of
$r$-discrete groupoids
- Abstract
2008-58 Izumino S., Nakamura N.
- Geometric means of positive operators@U
- Abstract
2008-57 Gselmann E., Maksa Gy.
- The Shannon field of non-negative information functions
- Abstract
2008-56 Bridges D.S., V\^{\i}\c{t}\u{a} L.S.
- A constructive theory of apartness on lattices
- Abstract
2008-55 Avallone A., Vitolo P.
- Lyapunov decomposition of measures on effect algebras
- Abstract
2008-54 Hara M., Murakami M., Tani S., Yamamoto M.
- A fast algorithm for computing jones polynomials of montesinos links
- Abstract
2008-53 Kikuta K.
- Search problem with two levels of examination costs
- Abstract
2008-52 Shoji K.
- Finitely generated semigroups having presentation with
regular congruence classes
- Abstract
2008-51 Walendziak A.
- On commutative BE-algebras
- Abstract
2008-50 Medghalchi A. R. , Tabatabaie S. M.
- Contraction Semigroups on Hypergroup Algebras
- Abstract
2008-49 Iemoto S., Takahashi W.
- Strong convergence theorems by a
Hybrid Steepest Descent Method for countable nonexpansive mappings in
Hilbert spaces
- Abstract
2008-48 Kametaka Y., Yamagishi H., Watanabe K., Nagai A.,
Takemura K., Arai M.
- The best constant of Sobolev inequality
which corresponds to Schr\"odinger operator with
Dirac delta potential
- Abstract
2008-47 Teraoka Y., Hohjo H.
- Two person games on sale in which the price fluctuates with time
- Abstract
2008-46 Harizavi H.
- Prime weak hyper BCK-ideals of lower hyper bck-semi
- Abstract
2008-45 Atsushiba S., Takahashi W.
- Approximating common fixed points of nonexpansive
semigroups in banach spaces by metric projections
- Abstract
2008-44 O'Regan D., Petrusel A., Petru T.P.
- Fixed point results for C'iric' type contractions on a set
with two separating gauge structures
- Abstract
2008-43 Oshime Y.
- On the best constant for Lp sobolev inequalities
- Abstract
2008-42 Makasu C.
- Stopping game on two stocks driven by L'evy processes
- Abstract
2008-41 Ichihara R., Kawakami S.
- Strong hypergroups of order four
arising from extensions
- Abstract
2008-40 Oshime Y., Kametaka Y., Yamagishi H.
- The best constant of Lp Sobolev inequality
corresponding to Dirichlet boundary value problem
for (d/dx)4m
- Abstract
2008-39 Ahn S. S., So K. S.
- On (complete) normality of fuzzy d-ideals in d-algebras
- Abstract
2008-38 Kametaka Y., Yamagishi H., Watanabe K., Nagai A., Takemura K.
- The best constant of sobolev inequality corresponding
to dirichlet boundary value problem for (-1)M(d/dx)2M
- Abstract
2008-37 Jun Y. B., Song S. Z.
- Subalgebras and closed ideals of Bch-algebras based on Bipolar-valued fuzzy sets
- Abstract
2008-36 Denecke K.
- On "partial algebras and their theories" by Hans-Jurgen Hoehnke and Jurgen schreckenberger
- Abstract
2008-35 Vogel H.-J.
- Hoehnke categories
2008-34 Wiegandt R.
- H. J. Hoehnke's contribution to radical theory
2008-33 Johnson K. W.
- Hans-Jurgen Hoehnke's work on norm forms and the
group determinant
2008-32 Denecke K.
- Hans-Jurgen Hoehnke
2008-31 Amano T.
- Comparison of Whittle type portmanteau tests
- Abstract
2008-30 Akatsuka M., Aoyama K. Takahashi W.
- Mean ergodic theorems for a sequence of
nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert spaces
- Abstract
2008-29 Roodbari T., Torkzadeh L., Zahedi M. M.
- Normal Hyper K-algebras
- Abstract
2008-28 Ahn S. S., So K. S.
- On ideals and upper sets in BE-algebras
- Abstract
2008-27 Kon M.
- Fuzzy location problems with triangular norm:
existence and stability
- Abstract
2008-26 Hosseini S. N.
- Commutation of geometric realization functor and
finite limits
- Abstract
2008-25 Bami M. L., Naseri S.
- The structure, approximate identities, and duals of l^p-Munn
- Abstract
2008-24 Sakaguchi M.
- Four-member committee looking for a specialist
with two high abilities
- Abstract
2008-23 Okamoto Y.
- Line matching from stereo tree images using neural network
- Abstract
2008-22 Salvadori L., Visentin F.
- On the existence, stability, and structure of periodic bifurcating sets of periodic differential
- Abstract
2008-21 Jin H., Maki H., Tamari F.
- On some generalized closed sets in topologocal sum
- Abstract
2008-20 Hasuike T., Ishii H.
- A 0-1 knapsack problem considering randomness of future returns and flexible
goals of available budget and total return
- Abstract
2008-19 Han S.
- Meta heuristic method for a supply chain network reconfiguration
- Abstract
2008-18 An T. V., Cuong D. X. Maki H.
- On operation-preopen sets in topological spaces
- Abstract
2008-17 Thieullen M.
- Generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes
- Abstract
2008-16 Saidalieva M.
- Mathematical and computer modelling organism's
cellular communities regulatorika at anomalies
- Abstract
2008-15 Hidirova M. B.
- Mathematical and computer modelling regulatory
mechanisms for programmed cell death (apoptosis)
- Abstract
2008-14 Hidirov B. N.
- Mathematical and computer modelling regulatorika of hierarchical molecular-genetic systems
- Abstract
2008-13 Fernandez-Ponce J. M., Ortega E. M., Pellerey F.
- A note on bisexual Galton-Watson branching processes
in random environments
- Abstract
2008-12 Nobile A. G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L. M.
- Asymptotics and evaluations of FPT densities through
varying boundaries for Gauss-Markov processes
- Abstract
2008-11 Martinucci B.
- On the firing activity of a state-dependent
stochastic neuronal model
- Abstract
2008-10 Lara-Aparicio M., Lopez de Medrano S., Barriga-Montoya C., Fuentes-Pardo B.
- A mathematical model of the circadian activity
Induced by the presence of sexual hormones in male
- Abstract
2008-9 Hida T.
- White noise approach to time or space-time dependent
random functions describing biological phenomena
- Abstract
2008-8 Giraudo M. T., Sacerdote L., Sirovich R.
- Information measures in a small network of spiking
- Abstract
2008-7 Albano G., Giorno V., Nobile A. G., Ricciardi L. M.
- Modeling refractoriness for stochastically driven
single neurons
- Abstract
2008-6 Castellanos V., Falconi M., Llibre J.
- Periodic orbits in predator-prey systems with holling
functional responses
- Abstract
2008-5 Di Nardo E.
- On the first passage time for autoregressive processes
- Abstract
2008-4 Di Crescenzo A., Longobardi M.
- Competing risks within shock models
- Abstract
2008-3 Cull P., Walsh K., Wherry J.
- Stability and instability in one dimensional population models
- Abstract
2008-2 Albano G., Giorno V.
- Towards a stochastic two-compartment model in tumor growth
- Abstract
2008-1 Matsui T., Sakawa M., Kato K., Uno T., Tamada K.
- Particle swarm optimization for interactive fuzzy multiobjective nonlinear programming
- Abstract
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