SCMJ ( in Editione Electronica )
e-2007 Whole Number 20
2007-72 Skvortsov V.A.- Henstock integral in harmonic analysis
- Abstract
2007-71 Bullen P.
- Ralph Henstock an obituary
- Abstract
2007-70 Lee P.Y.
- The integral \`a la Henstock
- Abstract
2007-69 Kim Y.O.
- A difference version of Furuta-Giga theorem on Kantorovich type inequality and its application
- Abstract
2007-68 Kametaka Y., Takemura K., Yamagishi H., Nagai A., Watanabe K.
- Heaviside cable, Thomson cable and the best constant of
a Sobolev-type inequality
- Abstract
2007-67 Nakanishi S.
- Convergences on the Henstock-Kurzweil integral
- Abstract
2007-66 Thomson B.S.
- The natural integral on the real line
- Abstract
2007-65 Pfeffer W.F.
- Ralph Henstock's influence on the integration theory
- Abstract
2007-64 Muldowney P.
- Ralph Henstock
- Abstract
2007-63 Ryo Ichihara R., Kawakami S.
- Disintegration of operator valued weights
- Abstract
2007-62 Talvila E.
- Ralph Henstock : research summary
- Abstract
2007-61 Is\' eki K., Kim H.S., Neggers J.
- On doubling algebras
- Abstract
2007-60 Maeda S.
- A characterization of the homogeneous real hypersurface of type (B)
with two distinct constant principal curvatures in a complex hyperbolic space
- Abstract
2007-59 Muldowney P.
- Henstock on random variation
- Abstract
2007-58 Kim K.H., Davvaz B., Roh E.H.
- On hyper $R$-subgroups of hypernear-rings
- Abstract
2007-57 Nasr-Azadani M.A., Zahedi M.M.
- ERG relation on hyper K-algebras
- Abstract
2007-56 Guan L., Li S., Inoue H.
- Strong laws of large numbers for weighted sums of
set-valued random variables in Rademacher type $p$ Banach space
- Abstract
2007-55 Patel S.M.,
Ch\=o M., Tanahashi K., Uchiyama A.
- Putnam's inequality for class $A$ operators and an operator
transform by Ch\=o and Yamazaki
- Abstract
2007-54 Takigawa S., Maki H.
- Every nonempty open set of the digital $n$-space is expressible as the union of
finitely many nonempty regular open sets
- Abstract
2007-53 Nakagiri S., Ha J-H., Vanualailai J.
- Parameter identification problems for a class of
strongly damped nonlinear wave equations
- Abstract
2007-52 Kiuchi H.
- Strong convergence theorems for three-step iterations with errors
under a modified Senter and Dotson's condition
- Abstract
2007-51 Izuki M., Tachizawa K.
- Wavelet characterizations of weighted Herz spaces
- Abstract
2007-50 Sakaguchi M.
- Correction to ``Three-member committee where odd-man's
judgement is paid regard''
- Abstract
2007-49 Tamaki K.
- Power properties of empirical likelihood for stationary processes
- Abstract
2007-48 Shirai T., Chuan L.H., Yagi A.
- Stationary solutions for forest kinematic model under dirichlet conditions
- Abstract
2007-47 Shatanawi W., Obiedat H.
- $p$-quasi-$\lambda$-nuclearity
- Abstract
2007-46 Ghorbani S., Esfandiar Eslami E., Hasankhani A.
- Quotient hyper MV-algebras
- Abstract
2007-45 Roodbari T., Zahedi M.M.
- Positive implicative hyper $K$-ideals II
- Abstract
2007-44 Matsumoto M.
- A characterization of $\omega_1$-strongly
countable-dimensional metrizable spaces
- Abstract
2007-43 Bignall R.J., Spinks M.
- Corrigendum: Implicative BCS-algebra
subreducts of skew Boolean algebras
- Abstract
2007-42 Shirai T.,
Chuan L.H., Yagi A.
- Dynamical system for forest kinematic model under dirichlet conditions
- Abstract
2007-41 Shirai T.,
Chuan L.H., Yagi A.
- Asymptotic behavior of solutions for forest kinematic model under dirichlet conditions
- Abstract
2007-40 Uno T., Katagiri H., Kato K.
- A goal programming model for multiobjective
facility location problems in a competitive environment
- Abstract
2007-39 Cavaliere P, De Lucia P.
- Regularity and exhaustivity for finitely additive functions.
The Dieudonn\'e' s convergence theorem
- Abstract
2007-38 Ibaraki T., Takahashi W.
- Weak convergence theorems for finding common elements of finite
sets in Banach spaces
- Abstract
2007-37 Matsumoto A., Nakamura M., Seo Y.
- Spectral order of operators and Furuta inequality
- Abstract
2007-36 Voutsadakis G.
- Categorical abstract algebraic logic: Gentzen $(\pi)$-institutions
- Abstract
2007-35 Zeyada F.M., Soliman A.H.
- A generalization of contraction principle in a weak left small self distance space
- Abstract
2007-34Kim K.H., Yon Y.H.
- Dual BCK-algebra and MV-algebra
- Abstract
2007-33 Nakamura N.
- Geometric operator mean induced from the Riccati equation
- Abstract
2007-32 Hosseini S.N.
- Commutation of internal colimit and finite limits
- Abstract
2007-31 Habib Z., Sakai M.
- Circle to circle transition with a single PH quintic spiral
- Abstract
2007-30 Guti{\'e}rrez R., Rold\'an C.
- Some analytical and statistical aspects related to 2D lognormal diffusion random fields
- Abstract
2007-29 Shohani J., Borzooei R.A., Afshar Jahanshahi M.
- Basic $BCI$-algebras and Abelian groups are Equivalent
- Abstract
2007-28 Aoyama K., Kimura Y.,
Takahashi W., Toyoda M.
- Finding common fixed points of a countable family of
nonexpansive mappings in a Banach space
- Abstract
2007-27 Dymek G., Walendziak A.
- Semisimple, Archimedean, and semilocal pseudo \textit{MV}-algebras
- Abstract
2007-26 Denecke K., Koppitz J., Srithus R.
- The degree of proper hypersubstitutions
- Abstract
2007-25 Kametaka Y., Watanabe K.,
Nagai A., Yamagishi H., Takemura K.
- The best constant of Sobolev inequality which
corresponds to a bending problem of a string with
periodic boundary condition
- Abstract
2007-24 Kametaka Y., Oshime Y.,
Watanabe K., Yamagishi H., Nagai A., Takemura K.
- The best constant of $L^p$ Sobolev inequality
corresponding to the periodic boundary value problem
for $(-1)^M(d/dx)^{2M}$
- Abstract
2007-23 Sakaguchi M.
- Three-member committee where odd-man's
judgement is paid regard
- Abstract
2007-22 Aggoun L., Benmerzouga A.
- On a stochastic inventory system with partially observed level and demand
- Abstract
2007-21 Ramsey D. M.
- Correlated equilibria in $n$-player stopping games
- Abstract
2007-20 Thianwan S., Suantai S.
- Weak and strong convergence of an implicit iteration process for a finite family of nonexpansive mappings
- Abstract
2007-19 Gupta A.K., Nagar D.K., Bedoya E.
- Properties of the complex matrix variate Dirichlet distribution
- Abstract
2007-18 Tanaka H.
- Theories of ordered commutative monoids
- Abstract
2007-17 Jun Y.B., Roh E.H., Harizavi H.
- Smarandache hyper $K$-algebras
- Abstract
2007-16 Sakai M.
- Weak-open maps and sequence-covering maps
- Abstract
2007-15 Fujii J., Matsumoto A., Nakamura M.
- Riccati equation and the Fiedler-Pt\'ak spectral geometric mean
- Abstract
2007-14 Mimura F., Fujiwara F., N\^{o}no T.
- A relaxation of the homogeneities imposed on
the relating functions in the extremal problem
for the derivation of conserved quantities
- Abstract
2007-13 Fujii T., Inagaki N.
- Fisher informations from continuous and discrete observations of the
drift of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process
- Abstract
2007-12 Sakaguchi M.- Note : a repeated one-player game of deception with discounting
- Abstract
2007-11 Yamaguchi A.- Real $K$-cohomology of complex projective spaces
- Abstract
2007-10 Heyer H., Katayama Y., Kawakami S., Kawasaki K.
- Extensions of finite commutative hypergroups
- Abstract
2007-9 Kim K.H.
- On intuitionistic fuzzy semiprime ideals in
- Abstract
2007-8 Wada R.
- Explicit formulas for the reproducing kernels of the space of harmonic polynomials
in the case of classical real rank 1
- Abstract
2007-7 Shirayama Y.
- A note on $[\mathfrak{a,b}]^{r}$-compactness and $[\mathfrak{a,b}]^{r}$-refinability
- Abstract
2007-6 Kametaka Y., Yamagishi H., Watanabe K., Nagai A., Takemura K.
- Riemann zeta function, Bernoulli polynomials and
the best constant of Sobolev inequality
- Abstract
2007-5 Raphael R., Woods R.G.
- When the Hewitt realcompactification and the $P$-coreflection
- Abstract
2007-4 \"Ozt\"urk M.A., \c Ceven Y., Jun Y.B.
- Intuitionistic fuzzy sets in semigroups
- Abstract
2007-3 Barr M., Kennison J.F., Raphael R.
- On productively Lindel\"of spaces
- Abstract
2007-2 Chen C-M.
- R-KKM theorems on L-convex spaces and its applications
- Abstract
2007-1 Shatanawi W., Tallafha A.
- On quasi-$\lambda$-nuclearity
- Abstract
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