SCMJ ( in Editione Electronica )
e-2006 Whole Number 19
2006-123 Nakagami K.- The $(E.R.T.)$-integral and Fourier transform
- Abstract
2006-122 Zhu P.
- Inverse limits and infinite products of expandable spaces
- Abstract
2006-121 Kawaguchi S.
- On strictly star-Lindel\"{o}f spaces
- Abstract
2006-120 Kim H.S., Kim Y.H.
- On $BE$-algebras
- Abstract
2006-119 Jun Y.B., Kim H.S., Yoo D.S.
- Intuitionistic fuzzy $d$-algebras
- Abstract
2006-118 Atsushiba S., Takahashi W.
- Weak and strong
convergence theorems for nonexpansive semigroups in a Banach space
satisfying Opial's condition
- Abstract
2006-117 Xue Q., Yabuta K.
- Correction and addition to
``$L^2$-boundedness of Marcinkiewicz integrals along surfaces
with variable kernels"
- Abstract
2006-116 Tahata R.
- Marginal measure problems on the ranked space $S'$
- Abstract
2006-115 Khalil R.,Salih A.
Extreme and nice operators on certain function spaces
- Abstract
2006-114 LIN S., Ohnishi M.
- Optimal portfolio selection by CVaR based sharpe ratio
--- genetic algorithm approach ---
- Abstract
2006-113 Jun Y.B., Park C.H.
- Intuitionistic fuzzy ideals in intra-regular rings
- Abstract
2006-112 Bovdi V.
- Modular group algebras with almost maximal Lie nilpotency indices, II
- Abstract
2006-111 Nakamoto R., Seo Y.
- Norm inequalities for the geometric mean and its reverse
- Abstract
2006-110 Sakaguchi M.
- Poker games where players have non-uniform hand distributions
- Abstract
2006-109 Feng W., Adachi K., Kowada M.
- Large deviations bounds for a polling system with
Markovian on/off sources and Bernoulli
service schedule
- Abstract
2006-108 Kim H.S., Kye N.R.
- On quadratic $BF$-algebras
- Abstract
2006-107 Chiba K., Shirayama Y.
- $\delta$$\theta$-refinability of product spaces
- Abstract
2006-106 Elnubi A.O.
- On the cardinality of homogeneous compacta of countable tightness
- Abstract
2006-105 Aksoy A. G., Khamsi M. A.
- Fixed points of uniformly Lipschitzian mappings in metric trees
- Abstract
2006-104 Hohzaki R., Ohsiro N., Komiya T., Fukuda E.
- A search game with durable searching resources
- Abstract
2006-103 Narang T.D., Sangeeta, Tejpal S.
- On suns, moons and best approximation in M-spaces
- Abstract
2006-102 Sano T., Toba T.
- Absolute continuity of forms
and absolute $J$-contractions
- Abstract
2006-101 Lu S., Taniguchi E., Hyodo Y, Kuwada M.
- GA-optimal partially balanced fractional $\fbm{2^{\lowercase{m_1+m_2}}}$ factorial designs of resolution R$\fbm{(\{00,10,01,11\}|\Omega)}$\\ with $\fbm{2 \le \lowercase{m_1}\le \lowercase{m_2} \le 4}$
- Abstract
2006-100 Izumino S., Nakamura M.
- Wigner's weakly positive operators
- Abstract
2006-99 Nakamura M., Seo Y.
- Approximation to the square root of a positive operator
- Abstract
2006-98 Jun Y.B., Kim H.S.
- On ideals in subtraction algebras
- Abstract
2006-97 Kim H.S., Kye N.R.
- Some decompositions of ideals in $BF$-algebras
- Abstract
2006-96 Jun Y.B., Kim H.S., Lee K.J.
- The essence of subtraction algebras
- Abstract
2006-95 Sudo T.
- K-theory of the pullback and pushout $C^*$-algebras
- Abstract
2006-94 Jun Y.B., Kim S.Y., Roh E.H.
- The abysm of a Hilbert algebra
- Abstract
2006-93 Sakaguchi M.
- A simple two-player two-sided games of deception
- Abstract
2006-92 Amano T.
- Note on asymptotics of Whittle estimators for square transformed ARCH($\infty$) models
- Abstract
2006-91 Denecke k., Koppitz J., Srithus R.
- N-fluid varieties
- Abstract
2006-90 Voutsadakis G.
- Categorical abstract algebraic logic:
Operators on classes of structure systems
- Abstract
2006-89 Kim H.S., Kim H.J.
- On pre-Coxeter algebras
- Abstract
2006-88 Gazor M., Yu P., Gazor H.
- Cantor sets in locally compact groups
- Abstract
2006-87 Di Crescenzo A., Di Nardo E., Ricciardi L.M.
- On certain bounds for first-crossing-time probabilities of a jump-diffusion process
- Abstract
2006-86 Cull P.
- Difference equations as biological models
- Abstract
2006-85 Moreno-D\'{\i}az Jr R., Quesada-Arencibia A., Rodr\'{\i}guez-Rodr\'{\i}guez J.C., De Blasio G.
- Network mechanisms for retinal motion description suggested by a bio-inspired artificial vision system
- Abstract
2006-84 Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M.
- On the two-boundary first-passage time for a class of Markov processes
- Abstract
2006-83 Tardelli P.
- Conditional law of lifetimes for a heterogeneous population
of living particles via filtering techniques
- Abstract
2006-82 Jun Y.B.
- Smarandache structures of generalized BCK-algebras
- Abstract
2006-81 Jun Y.B., {\" O}zt{\" u}rk A.M., Roh E.H.
- BCK/BCI-bialgebras
- Abstract
2006-80 Gluchoff A., Hartmann F.
- A note on spiral-like polynomials
- Abstract
2006-79 Di Crescenzo A.,
Martinucci B.
- On the effect of random alternating perturbations on hazard rates
- Abstract
2006-78 Schwaninger M.
- The evolution of organizational cybernetics
- Abstract
2006-77 Usui S.
- On Lawrence Stark and biomedical engineering
- Abstract
2006-76 Guti{\'e}rrez R., Rico N., Rom{\'a}n P., Torres F.
- Approximate and generalized confidence bands for some parametric functions of the lognormal diffusion process with exogenous factors
- Abstract
2006-75 Termini S.
- Remarks on the development of Cybernetics
- Abstract
2006-74 Saidalieva@M.
- Simulation of cellular communities mechanisms
- Abstract
2006-73 De Gregorio@A., Orsingher@E.
- Some results on random flights
- Abstract
2006-72 Mira J., Delgado A.E.
- A cybernetic view of artificial intelligence
- Abstract
2006-71 Lara-Aparicio M., Barriga-Montoya C., Fuentes-Pardo B.
- A brief biomathematical history of circadian rhythms: from Wigglesworth to Winfree
- Abstract
2006-70 Hoppensteadt F., Lin K.
- Propagating coalitions in networks of nonlinear oscillators
- Abstract
2006-69 Coakley S., Smallwood R., Holcombe M.
- From molecules to insect communities - how formal agent based computational modelling is uncovering new biological facts
- Abstract
2006-68 Hidirova M.B.
- Dynamics of biological excitable medium
- Abstract
2006-67 Hidirov B.
- Regulation mechanisms of living systems
- Abstract
2006-66 Hida T., Si S.
- Latent traits of standard noises and their applications
- Abstract
2006-65 Giraudo M.T., Sacerdote L.
- Ghost stochastic resonance for a stochastic single neuron model
- Abstract
2006-64 Giorno V., Nobile A.G., Pirozzi E., Ricciardi L.M.
- On the construction of first-passage-time densities for diffusion processes
- Abstract
2006-63 Falconi M.
- The effect of the prey age structure on a predator-prey system
- Abstract
2006-62 Di Crescenzo A., Longobardi M.
- On weighted residual and past entropies
- Abstract
2006-61 De Luca A.
- Some reflections on Cybernetics and its scientific heritage
- Abstract
2006-60 De Giosa M., Lazzo M.
- Laws of large numbers for product of random variables
- Abstract
2006-59 Abundo M.
- Qualitative behaviour of the first-passage-time density of a one-dimensional diffusion over a moving boundary
- Abstract
2006-58 Comfort W.W., Gotchev I., Recoder-N\'u\~nez L.
- Dense $C$-embedded subspaces of products
- Abstract
2006-57 Devi R., Rajappriya S.N., Muthukumaraswamy K., Maki H.
- $\xi$-closed sets in topological spaces and digital planes
- Abstract
2006-56 Araki N., Ganster M., Maki H., Nishi A.
- On new characterizations of semi-T$_{i}$-spaces, where $i=0, 1/2$
- Abstract
2006-55 Fujii J.I., Nakamura M., Seo Y.
- Ando's theorem for Hadamard products and operator means
- Abstract
2006-54 Doi M.
- The ruin probability for the storage process with large scale demands
- Abstract
2006-53 D\^oku I.
- A Limit theorem of superprocesses with non-vanishing deterministic immigration
- Abstract
2006-52 Cheon E. J.
- Equivalence of linear codes with the same weight enumerator
- Abstract
2006-51 Favini A., Yakubov Y.
- Degenerate boundary-value and initial boundary-value problems
including general Wentzell boundary conditions
- Abstract
2006-50 Takei Y., Yagi A.
- Fixed point of contraction and exponential attractors
- Abstract
2006-49 Sakai M.
- Counterexamples on generalized metric spaces
- Abstract
2006-48 Harizavi H., Macdonald J., Borzooei R.A.
- Category of hyper $BCK$-algebras
- Abstract
2006-47 Sekiguchi Y., Takahashi W.
- Tangent and normal vectors to feasible regions with geometrically derivable sets
- Abstract
2006-46 Fujii M., Nakamura M., Seo Y.
- Kadison's Schwarz inequality and Furuta's theorem
- Abstract
2006-45 Lee M.Y., Lee S.H.
- On powers of $p$-posinormal operators
- Abstract
2006-44 Hwang J-S., Nakagiri S.
- Weak and strong solutions of isotropic viscoelastic equations with long nonlinear memory
- Abstract
2006-43 Yoon M.G., Yoon D.Y., Han S.H.
- A dual based heuristic for a hub-spoke air cargo network design problem with hop-count constraints
- Abstract
2006-42 Esposito G., Giorno V., Nobile A.G., Ricciardi L.M., Valerio C.
- Neuronal modeling in the presence of random refractoriness
- Abstract
2006-41 Kobayashi Y.- Gr\"{o}bner bases on path algebras and the Hochschild
cohomology algebras
- Abstract
2006-40 Moussavi A., Hashemi E.
- Semiprime skew polynomial rings
- Abstract
2006-39 Khalil R., Al-Sharif Sh.
- Remotal sets in vector valued function spaces
- Abstract
2006-38 Ee M.S., Ikuta S.
- Optimal stopping problem with quitting offers and search cost
- Abstract
2006-37 Borzooei R. A., Khosravi Shoar S.
- Implication algebras are equivalent to the dual implicative
- Abstract
2006-36 O'uchi M.
- $C^*$-algebras arising from two homeomorphisms with a certain relation
- Abstract
2006-35 Sadovyi R.
- Discrete time portfolio managing
- Abstract
2006-34 Mohammadzadeh B., Nasr-Isfahani R.
- Inner invariant means on discrete semigroups with identity
- Abstract
2006-33 Huang Y.
- On branches in positive implicative BCI-algebras with condition (S)
- Abstract
2006-32 Huang Y.
- On implicative BCI-algebras
- Abstract
2006-31 Morimoto A., Ashino R., Vaillancourt R.
- Multiwavelet neural network preprocessing of irregularly sampled data
- Abstract
2006-30 Is\' eki K., Kim H.S., Neggers J.
- On $J$-algebras
- Abstract
2006-29 Kubo A., Kitahara K.
- A simple number theoretic problem II
- Abstract
2006-28 Mazalov V.V., Mentcher A.E., Tokareva J.S.
- On a discrete arbitration procedure
- Abstract
2006-27 Xue Q., Yabuta K.
- $L^2$-boundedness of Marcinkiewicz integrals along surfaces
with variable kernels
- Abstract
2006-26 Booth G.L. - On lattices of radicals of involution rings
- Abstract
2006-25 Kurisu T.
- A two-vs.-two silent duel with equal accuracy functions under arbitrary motion
- Abstract
2006-24 Teraoka Y., Hohjo H.
- N-person silent game on sale
- Abstract
2006-23 Azad M.A.K., Sakawa M., Kato K.,
Katagiri H.
- Interactive fuzzy programming for multi-level nonlinear integer programming problems through genetic algorithms
- Abstract
2006-22 Kim C.B., Kim H.S.
- On $BM$-algebras
- Abstract
2006-21 Ohya Y., Tarama S.
- Une note sur "Le probl\`eme de Cauchy dans la classe de Gevrey"
- Abstract
2006-20 Tarama S.
- Note on the Bronshtein theorem concerning hyperbolic polynomials
- Abstract
2006-19 Tanaka H.
- Direct products of ordered abelian groups
- Abstract
2006-18 Dhompongsa S., Dom\'{i}nguez Benavides T., Kaewcharoen A.,
Panyanak B.
- Fixed point theorems for multivalued mappings in modular function
- Abstract
2006-17 Fujii J., Nakamura M., Takahasi S.
- Cooper's approach to chaotic operator means
- Abstract
2006-16 Fujii J., Nakamura M.
- A characterization of the harmonic operator mean as an extension of Ando's theorem
- Abstract
2006-15 Kim K.H.
- On intuitionistic $Q$-fuzzy ideals of semigroups
- Abstract
2006-14 Shirai S.
- Notes on commutators of
fractional integral operatros on generalized Morrey spaces
- Abstract
2006-13 Nadezhkina N., Takahashi W.
- Strong convergence theorem
by the hybrid and extragradient methods
for monotone mappings and countable families of nonexpansive mappings
- Abstract
2006-12 McLarty C.
- Saunders Mac Lane and The universal in mathematics
- Abstract
2006-11 Tholen W.
- Saunders Mac Lane 1909-2005 Meeting a grand leader
- Abstract
2006-10 Barr M.
- Memories of Saunders Mac Lane
- Abstract
2006-9 William Lawvere F.
- The world of mathematics has lost a towering figure
- Abstract
2006-8 Kutateladze S.S.
- Saunders Mac Lane, The knight of mathematics
- Abstract
2006-7 Borceux F.
- Saunders Mac Lane: A bibliographical sketch
- Abstract
2006-6 Azumaya G., Szeto G., Xue L.
- On algebras arising from the elements of a Galois group for a Galois algebra
- Abstract
2006-5 Ahn S.S., Kim Y.H., Lee K.J.
- A relation on subtraction algebras
- Abstract
2006-4 Pombo Jr. D.P.
- A note on linear compactness
- Abstract
2006-3 Yamauchi T.
- Continuous selections of simplex-valued mappings
- Abstract
2006-2 Mitsui K., Tabata Y.
- Defaultable forward rate model with Jump risk under Vasicek-type hazard rate
- Abstract
2006-1 Fujii M.., Izumino S., Nakamoto R.
- Upper bounds for the difference between symmetric operator means
- Abstract
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