SCMJ ( in Editione Electronica )
e-2005 Whole Number 18
2005-72 Fujii M., Nakamura M.
- Kadison's Schwarz inequality and noncommutative Kantorovich inequality
- Abstract
2005-71 Mi\'{c}i\'{c} J., Pe\v{c}ari\'{c} J.
- Characterizations of $\delta$--order associated with Kantorovich type operator inequalities
- Abstract
2005-70 Baba Y.
- On quasi-projective modules and quasi-injective modules
- Abstract
2005-69 Matsuki N.
- The discrete Walsh-type transform for infinite sequences
- Abstract
2005-68 S\^{i}nt\u{a}m\u{a}rian A.
- Common fixed point structures for multivalued operators
- Abstract
2005-67 Kitahara K. - On Chebyshev type theory
- Abstract
2005-66 Tanabe H.
- Characterization of totally geodesic submanifolds in terms of Frenet curves
- Abstract
2005-65 Sakurada K. - Controlled convergence theorem for nuclear Hilbertian (UC$\hbox{\bf s}$-N) spaces valued Henstock-Kurzweil integrals
- Abstract
2005-64 Fukhar-ud-din H., Kimura Y., Kiuchi H.
- Noor iterations with errors for two
asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in the intermediate sense in a Banach
- Abstract
2005-63 Kim G.E., Takahashi W.
- Approximating common fixed points of nonexpansive semigroups in
Banach spaces
- Abstract
2005-62 Bagheri
Salec A. Riazi A.
- Multipliers on second dual algebras of weighted group algebras
- Abstract
2005-61 Zhu Z., Tan Z.
- Minimal quasi-injective modules
- Abstract
2005-60 Zhu Z., Tan Z.
- A note on quasi p-injective modules
- Abstract
2005-59 Zhu Z., Tan Z.
- On $n$-semihereditary rings
- Abstract
2005-58 Sudo T.
- Stable rank of the semigroup crossed products by natural numbers
- Abstract
2005-57 Mou L.
- Base-normality and total paracompactness of
subspaces of products of two ordinals
- Abstract
2005-56 Sakaguchi M.- Analysis of a method for calculating an economic order quantity in inventory models
- Abstract
2005-55 Ogata H.
- Empirical likelihood approach for non Gaussian stationary processes
- Abstract
2005-54 Shiraishi H.
- Statistical estimation of optimal portfolios for Gaussian dependent returns of assets
- Abstract
2005-53 Sakaguchi M.
- A note on golden bisection number and two-player
infinite game
- Abstract
2005-52 Patel S.M., Tanahashi K., Uchiyama A.
- A note on an operator transform $S(T)$
- Abstract
2005-51 Fujii M., Kamei E., Nakamoto R.
- An analysis on the internal structure of the celebrated Furuta inequality via operator mean
- Abstract
2005-50 Zeyada F.M., Moubarak M.R.A., Soliman A. H.
- Common fixed point theorems in small self distance quasi-symmetric dislocated metric space
- Abstract
2005-49 Rosas E., Carpintero C., Sanabria J.
- $\alpha$,$\beta$)-semi open sets and some new generalized separation axioms
- Abstract
2005-48 Salvadori L., Visentin F.
- Conditional and unconditional stability properties
of time dependent sets
- Abstract
2005-47 Kawaguchi S.
- Relative countable paracompactness, relative expandability and their absolute embeddings
- Abstract
2005-46 Hohjo H.
- Comparison among some optimal policies with unconstrained additional orders
- Abstract
2005-45(62-215) Xiong W., Lin W., Mori S.
- Uniqueness of meromorphic functions
- Abstract
2005-44 Walendziak A.
- On implicative ideals of pseudo \emph {MV}-algebras
- Abstract
2005-43 Mecheri S.
- An extension of the Fuglede-Putnam theorem to
$(p,k)$-quasihyponormal operators
- Abstract
2005-42 Jimbo T.
- Polynomial hulls of graphs on the torus in $\bf{C^2}$}
- Abstract
2005-41 Al-Sharif S.
- C-semigroups and integral operators
- Abstract
2005-40 Takahasi S., Miura T., Sato K.
- Averaging functions and inequalities due to H\"{o}lder-Rogers
and Minkowski
- Abstract
2005-39 Patel S.M., Yamazaki T.
- On comparisons of norms and the numerical ranges of
an operator with its generalized Aluthge
- Abstract
2005-38 Rosas E., Carpintero C., Sanabria J.
- ($\alpha$,$\beta$)-semi connected in topological spaces
- Abstract
2005-37 Jun Y.B., Roh E.H.
- Smarandache hyper algebras
- Abstract
2005-36 Ma X., Zhan J.
- Intuitionistic $\Omega$-Fuzzy ideals of bck-algebras
- Abstract
2005-35 Kim K.H.
- On subtraction semigroups
- Abstract
2005-34 Chiba K.
- Property $B(P,\omega)$ and weak $\overline{\theta}$-refinability of product spaces
- Abstract
2005-33 Marubayasi H., Wang Y.
- A note on Martindale quotient rings of dubrovin valuation rings
- Abstract
2005-32 Jun Y.B.
- Smarandache $BCI$-algebras
- Abstract
2005-31 Elnubi A.O.
- A connented Tychonoff irresolvable space and resolvability conditions
- Abstract
2005-30 Abdelali Z.
- m-Convexit\'e et Fonctions Enti\`eres \`a une Infinit\'e de Variables
- Abstract
2005-29 Kim K.H., Lee J.G., Lee S.M., Roh E.H.
- Fuzzy $\otimes$-subalgebras on $FI$-algebras
- Abstract
2005-28 Preuss G.
- A Stone-Weierstrass type theorem for semiuniform
convergence spaces
- Abstract
2005-27 Jun Y.B., Kim K.H.
- $H$-filters of hilbert algebras
- Abstract
2005-26 Medghalchi A.R., Rahimi H.R.
- Topological tensor
products of topological semigroups and their compactifications
- Abstract
2005-25 Kamyabi-Gol R. A.
- The topological center of $L^1(K)^{**}$
- Abstract
2005-24 Sakaguchi M.
- Golden trisection numbers and two-player
game of keep-{or}-exchange
- Abstract
2005-23 Vaughan@J.E.
- Heredity of $\tau$-pseudocompactness
- Abstract
2005-22 Tahata R.
- Corrections and addition to the paper ``Kellerer-Strassen type marginal measure
- Abstract
2005-21 Inui H., Ohnaka K.
- An identification method of dipolar sources in homogeneous space for time-harmonic maxwell's equations
- Abstract
2005-20 Voutsadakis G.
- Categorical abstract algebraic logic: protoalgebraicity and Leibniz theory systems
- Abstract
2005-19 Allen P. J., Kim H. S., Neggers J.
- Super commutative $d$-algebras and $BCK$-algebras in the Smarandache setting
- Abstract
2005-18 Sudo T.
- Simple inductive limit $C^*$-algebras with stable rank finite
- Abstract
2005-17 Hassani R.A., Blali A., Oukhouya A.
- Cl\^{o}ture locale des alg\`{e}bres topologiques
- Abstract
2005-16 Fang L., Lili C.
- Set-representation of a quiver and relationship with linear-representation
- Abstract
2005-15 Mimura F., Fujiwara F., N\^{o}no T.
- New derivation of conserved quantities for higher order differential system
- Abstract
2005-14 Kumagai E., Inagaki N.
- Exact information loss in the multivariate gamma distribution
- Abstract
2005-13 Mallios A., Oukhouya A.
- La compl\'{e}tude vis-\`{a}-vis de localisation
d' alg\`{e}bres topologiques
- Abstract
2005-12 Mallios A., Oukhouya A.
- $K$-alg\`{e}bres topologiques
- Abstract
2005-11 Jun Y.B., Song S.Z.
- Fuzzy $BCK$-filters induced by fuzzy sets
- Abstract
2005-10 Fujii M., Nakamura N.
- Jensen inequality is a complement
to kantorovich inequality
- Abstract
2005-9 Ma X., Zhan J.
- Intuitionistic fuzzy ideals of incline algebras
- Abstract
2005-8 Christie A., Wang Q., Wismath S. L.
- Minimal characteristic algebras for $K$-normality
- Abstract
2005-7 Takei Y., Tsujikawa T., Yagi A.
- Numerical Computations and Pattern Formation for Adsorbate-Induced Phase Transition Model
- Abstract
2005-6 Walendziak A.
- A note on normal subalgebras in {B}-algebras
- Abstract
2005-5 Terada M.
- Inclusion problems of languages generated by regular patterns and co-regular patterns
- Abstract
2005-4 Kim H.S., Park H.G.
- On $0$-commutative $B$-algebras
- Abstract
2005-3 Roh E.H., Davvaz B., Kim K.H.
- T-fuzzy subhypernear-rings of hypernear-rings
- Abstract
2005-2 Cho Y.U., Jun Y.B., Roh E.H.
- On sensible fuzzy subalgebras of $BCK$-algebras
with respect to a $s$-norm
- Abstract
2005-1 Katagiri H., Sakawa M., Ishii H.
- A study on fuzzy random portfolio selection problems based on possibility and necessity measures
- Abstract
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