SCMJ ( in Editione Electronica )
e-2004 Whole Number 17
2004-46 Alas O.T., Tkachenko M.G., Tkachuk V.V., Wilson R.G.
- The $FDS$-property and spaces in which compact sets are closed
- Abstract
2004-45 Allen P.J., Kim H.S., Neggers J.
- Smarandache disjoint in $BCK/d$-algebras
- Abstract
2004-44 Hayakawa E.
- Periodic motion of punctures on disks@@@@
- Abstract
2004-43 L\'opez-G\'omez J.
- Global existence versus blow-up in superlinear indefinite
parabolic problems@@@
- Abstract
2004-42 Kurisu T.
- A two-versus-one silent duel with equal accuracy functions under arbitrary motion@@@@@
- Abstract
2004-41 Lacava F.
- Lukasiewicz finitely local algebras
- Abstract
2004-40 Yura K.
- Huygens' principle for the Dirichlet boundary value
problem for the wave equation @@@@@@@@
- Abstract
2004-39 Roh E.H., Kim K.H., Lee J.G.
- On prime and semiprime ideals in subtraction
semigroups @@@@@@@@
- Abstract
2004-38 Jun Y.B., Roh E.H., Song S.Z.
- Multiply positive implicative hyper $k$-ideals @@@@@@@@
- Abstract
2004-37 Jun Y.B., Kim H.S., Roh E.H.
- Ideal theory of subtraction algebras
- Abstract
2004-36 Liu L., Li K.
- Pseudo-$MTL$ algebras and pseudo-$R_0$ algebras
- Abstract
2004-35 JunY.B., \"{O}zt\"{u}rk M.A., Roh E.H.
- Triangular normed fuzzy subalgebras of $BCK$-algebras
- Abstract
2004-34 Sudo T.
- Connected stable rank of
the algebras of continuous functions from spaces to $C^*$-algebras
- Abstract
2004-33 \v{C}\'{a}p P., \v{C}epek O., Vlach M.
- Weak and strong machine dominance in a nonpreemptive flowshop
- Abstract
2004-32 Denecke K., Jampachon P., Wismath S.L.
- Solid varieties, transition semigroups and unary clones
- Abstract
2004-31 Jiang H., Chen X.
- Homomorphic image of a fuzzy ideal of a BCH-algebra
- Abstract
2004-30 Honda N., Ishii H., Masuda T.
- Tree based algorithm for the flow-shop model to maximize number of just-in-time jobs
- Abstract
2004-29 Torkzadeh L., Zahedi M.M.
- Dual positive implicative hyper $K$-ideals of type 1
- Abstract
2004-28 Ergun N., Noiri T.
- On weakly refinable spaces
- Abstract
2004-27 Kametaka Y., Watanabe K., Nagai A., Pyatkov S.
- The best constant of sobolev inequality in an $n$ dimensional
euclidean space
- Abstract
2004-26 Zhan J., Ma X.
- Intuitionistic fuzzy ideals of near-rings
- Abstract
2004-25 Bongiorno D.
- On the problem of nearly derivatives
- Abstract
2004-24 Habib Z., Sakai M.
- $\mbf{G^2}$ PH quintic spiral transition curves and their applications
- Abstract
2004-23 Habib Z., Sakai M.
- Spiral transition curves and their applications
- Abstract
2004-22 Jun Y.B., Ko J.M., \"Ozt\"urk M.A.
- Some results on deductive systems of BL-algebras
- Abstract
2004-21 Voutsadakis G.
- The categories of finitary binary functions and finite automata networks
- Abstract
2004-20 Borzooei R.A., Harizavi H.
- Regular congruence relations on hyper $BCK$-algebras
- Abstract
2004-19 Lashkarizadeh Bami M.
- Isometric isomorphisms between locally compact hypergroups and
their related algebras
- Abstract
2004-18 Sakaguchi M.
- Equilibrium in the three-player game of`` Risky Exchange''
- Abstract
2004-17 Zhan J., Ma X.
- Doubt fuzzy subinclines(ideals) of incline algebras
- Abstract
2004-16 Enns E.G.
- Optimal sequential decisions with information
- Abstract
2004-15 Nakazato H., Tsumura K.
- $k$-Numerical range and the structural performance of buildings
- Abstract
2004-14 Zhan J., Ma X.
- Fuzzy Deductive Systems of HS-algebras
- Abstract
2004-13 Matsumoto A., Tominaga M.
- Mond-pe\v{c}ari\'{c} method for a mean-like transformation of operator functions
- Abstract
2004-12 Sobukawa T.
- Almost pointwise estimate and extrapolation theorem
- Abstract
2004-11 Zhan J., Long M.
- T-fuzzy ideals of Incline algebras
- Abstract
2004-10 Takagi H., Miura T., Takahasi S.-E.
- A note on the Pearce-Pe\v{c}ari\'{c} inequalities
- Abstract
2004-9 Eshita K., Takahashi W.
- On the uniform convexity of subsets of Banach spaces
- Abstract
2004-8 Jun Y.B.
- On $(\alpha, \beta)$-fuzzy ideals of $BCK/BCI$-algebras
- Abstract
2004-7 Beasley L.B., Cheon G.-S., Jun Y.B., Song S.Z.
- $(\alpha, \beta)$-fuzzy subalgebras in lattice implication algebras
- Abstract
2004-6 Tamaki K.
- Second order asymptotic properties of a class of test statistics under the existence of nuisance parameters
- Abstract
2004-5 Miyajima S., Saito I.
- On the Aluthge transformations of $\infty$-hyponormal
- Abstract
2004-4 Nagar D.Y., Zarrazola E.
- Distributions of the product and the quotient of independent
Kummer-Beta variables
- Abstract
2004-3 Sakaguchi M.
- Equilibrium in two-player games of Showcase Showdown
- Abstract
2004-2 Mi\'{c}i\'{c} J., Pe\v{c}ari\'{c} J.
- Order among power means of positive operators
- Abstract
2004-1 Mayerhofer E.
- Rational decompositions of p-adic meromorphic functions
- Abstract
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